6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..


Well-Known Member
So I was watering this morning and just thinking about how much I could yield off each plant or altogether and I've set a goal of 7 lbs. I'm not sure If I said this already or not but I was just thinking about it again this morning and its exciting thats all..lol i'm gonna say 3.5lbs per patch and there is two patches...


Well-Known Member
yea i know they can survive a frost and yes it does turn them purple, i was just curious how it affected the potency and if they continue to finish out or does it stress them?.....like does it really pay to let them ride too much longer after a frost or two, depending on the severity...???


Well-Known Member
Well I've come to the conclusion if they don't finish, they don't finish....there isn't much I can do about it. Power skunk is not a very good strain for my location...just a really slow flowering strain, but oh well its not like I picked that strain out anyway, they were free seeds I got from my order from attitude seed bank. It would just make me a little bummed out that these plants are doing so well and have potential to produce a massive amount of bud.........and then just not be able to finish due to a shorter growing season here............oh well we shall see, I read somewhere that a plant can sense the end is coming and will speed up the process on its own...maybe I'll get lucky.


Well-Known Member
Well all is good in this department and the view is very nice from standing up high on this old wooden fence post:bigjoint: lol if the old fence post wasn't there there is no way I could get a decent picture of these giant green globes. The close up is suppose to be the little buds starting to cover all the stems....pretty blurry but I promise before harvest i will get a better camera. Oh yea I thought I'd throw a pic of the stalk on my biggest of the Armageddon...this pic makes me smile.:weed:



Well-Known Member
well here is that wild weed..... I dunno dudes this stuff is really starting to bulk up heavy and starting to fill up with trichomes that are starting to turn milky. I've decided I'm gonna chop some of the wild stuff in a week or two...I'm gonna start to monitor it so I can pick it at its peak potency.....I mean its growing right there I might as well give it a try and also get the hands warmed up for the much trimming to come.



Well-Known Member
im the idea originator hahaha finnaly my dream job, a mad scientist, intent on overgrowing the world muhahahaha lol


Well-Known Member
Well the power skunk has finally taken off into flower....I feel pretty stupid right now, I thought they were all females but it is now confirmed that indeed one was a male, it just took forever to show its balls i guess. but anyway I got it taken care of and the females are coming in nicely. As for the Armageddon, well that stuff looks so good...its like candy i could just eat it right off the plant. The white widow is getting pretty sparkly so thats always exciting... here is the pic of the male i chopped I will have more pics soon.

