6 plant yield question


Active Member
On both the medical and recreational bills it says you are allowed to grow 6 plants (3 mature), and you are allowed to possess 1 ounce/2 ounce. But 1 plant can easily yield multiple ounces, so how does the amount grown factor in to this bill. Say you grow 2 plants and they yield 4 ounces total. What does that mean? Is this related to the possessing 1/2 ounces? anyone know the answer to this? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
In my state we are allowed to have 6 plants in bud at a time. Not really sure on size and weight restrictions. I don't believe there are any. As long as you stick to the right amount growing your good.


This is kind of 2 questions at this point, first the medical side. You are spot on you are allowed to posses 2 ozs, and flower 3 plants at a time. So the secret here is to do staggered harvests even to the point of harvesting the same plant at different points. (or you could just bury the excess lol)
Second side is the Amendment 64 side, you are allowed to flower 3 plants at a time (per 21+ year old), posses 1 ounce outside of the property you grew the plants, but there is no limit on the amount you can have in the location that you grew the plants. So as long as you keep it under an oz on you (out and about), it does not matter how much you have at home!!!!


Active Member
BTW this is per person correct? So even if your spose doesnt smoke its still another oz you can possess true?
Trueno is correct. A64 says that you can posses as much as you grew at that address. And as i understand it each individual is allowed one oz (if youre not medical). so, if you and your spose are out and about and you have 2 oz on you she can claim one of them is hers and the cop cant say shit. This is all spelled out in the blue legislation booklet that is mailed out to every address in colorado. Also, A64 says you can "give" not sell any amount of mj to any individual over the age of 21. This to me seems stupid as i could give a pound to some one who just happens to leave a new car at my house.....


Well-Known Member
Trueno is correct. A64 says that you can posses as much as you grew at that address. And as i understand it each individual is allowed one oz (if youre not medical). so, if you and your spose are out and about and you have 2 oz on you she can claim one of them is hers and the cop cant say shit. This is all spelled out in the blue legislation booklet that is mailed out to every address in colorado. Also, A64 says you can "give" not sell any amount of mj to any individual over the age of 21. This to me seems stupid as i could give a pound to some one who just happens to leave a new car at my house.....
Actually, you can only give one ounce at a time. That's where the "one ounce outside your grow area (aka house)" rule kicks in. You can give an ounce every hour, if they drive back and forth between your house and theirs, but you can't have more than 1 ounce when you are out and about. So, if you and your wife are out you can each have an ounce whether she smokes or not.


Well-Known Member
still though beaner pack a van and you got 7-8 ouncer legally. i see your point though. and no offence on the beaner pack comment lol.
Good point medshed. I didnt read it as saying you can only give one oz, but you are totally right that they could only legally leave with one oz at a time per person


Active Member
thanks for the responses. the official A64 people got back to me too, so here's the response which is in line with what you guys were saying.

Thank you for your inquiry regarding the impacts of Amendment 64. Here are the most important things for you to know when making your choices regarding personal use of marijuana.

Regardless of how much your 6 plants yield, at your house you are allowed to posses any amount that you legally grow.

Personal, private use and possession of up to one ounce of marijuana will be legal under Colorado law as soon as the Governor certifies the ballot, which will happen in 30-60 days. Until the Governor certifies the ballot, possession and use of marijuana remains illegal for anyone in Colorado who is not a medical marijuana patient.

Medical marijuana centers are only permitted to sell medical marijuana to state-registered medical marijuana patients. Do not attempt to purchase medical marijuana from medical marijuana centers.

Driving while impaired by marijuana remains completely illegal. Do not drive while impaired.

Public use of marijuana is illegal now and will remain illegal when Amendment 64 passes.

Employers are permitted to retain all policies related to marijuana use. Review your employer's policies related to marijuana, as all workplace penalties for marijuana use may remain in place, including termination, and you will not have legal recourse.

Landlords are permitted to prohibit marijuana cultivation.