6 week into flowering ? problem ahead


Evening all

ok some pics for an update of first grow attempt

After some height issues i went away and did some lst as advised and it has worked a treat so firstly thanks to all those that made suggestions

i now have a new problem on the horizon im 4 weeks into flowering and in the last week of February ive gotta fly out to Australia for 18 days which will make the grow approx 7 weeks old,

obviously this trip is unplanned but what can i do , i have someone to dry these for me thats not a problem but could they be too early to harvest ,

Grow is bigbang 2 and is said to be done flowering in 8-9 weeks , i can setup a watering system for a 30 - 50 litre no problem but there will be no one to cast an eye over the 18 days im away

so i wont be able to flush until im back etc

600 hps , in soil + vermiculite on 12/12

As always any input is very much appreciated



New Member
That's a tuff one...for me 7 week smoke is not potent enuf....it just doesn't do it for me I've cut 7 week buds n tried em...indica strains....n 18 days is too long w no water....try n set up a drip system ....I wouldn't worry bout flushing em n u can flush once when u get bk....I would harvest a few buds....n leave most...water plants n soak em real good n set up some dripping water bottles....???...set pot in pan of water...I'm sure there will be others w better ideas
I have used these with a lite bloom solution in the Oasis unit in conjunction with the Logica drip kit for plain water and they work great! Both run on 9v batteries. Just make sure you adjust your lighting for any vertical grow before you leave. You can put multiple drippers in each pot, depending on size. Just work out the sequence a day or two before you leave so you can see everything is working well.


Here's a picture of the Oasis unit:


And here is a picture of the Logica drip kit:



Well-Known Member
I heard going with 10 hours light can shorten the flowering time. At small cost of potency though.
Yes, and it will from what I hear as well, but not enough to make them finish in time for your trip.
Is there any way you might trust your drying person to just peep them every 3rd day or so to check water and make sure your plants aren't growing up into the bulb or anything silly?


Well-Known Member
I'd agreed that 7 weeks would be abit too early & u could miss out on some potential stunners, as they look good now 4 weeks in.

I also think leaving them the 18 days ur away would be preferable, as if anything they might well have just hit perfect ripeness then anyway. It'll only make it just under 10 weeks total & i wouldn't have thought overly long, as however many weeks the packet says, they usually mean the top end of that, if not a week more as well. Putting some sort of drip system sounds best.

Also, with regards to u saying flushing; since leaving for 10 weeks would likely mean they perfectly done, i dunno if i'd wanna then add another 7 - 10 days on top for flushing as well. I'm not sure if it would be a problem or not, but my idea would possibly be to give a good few feeds before u go, then set up whatever drip system u do with just plain water, so that acts as an 18 day flush. If u feed on last day before u go (normal amount tho, don't overfeed much to compensate) then essentially the drip water will mean they keep feeding for next 4 days or so, thus making the actual flush maybe only 14 days. Then u could chop down the day u got home from Oz. U may lose a slight bit of bud possibly, from not feeding the extra few days, but nothing real noticeable, and in the main it'd still be better than 7 week old bud would be.

Also the other side of the world would be a good way to avoid that temptation in the last couple of weeks to think, fcuk it i wanna chop it & smoke it now!! Would be nice package to come home to certainly!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, and raising ur lights accordingly is a damn good idea too! Must admit, i've learnt that the hard way (and thru having a lazy, forgetful housemate!)


Well-Known Member
I would see if you could get the person you would have drying it for you just check on them while you are gone if you trust them enough for them to know you grow and have them dry and cure for you they should be cool with watering a few times for you while you are away
You can still do a flush while you are away with those products I showed earlier. The Oasis holds over six gallons and can be set up to run for 10, 20, 30 or 40 days. Run it for ten days with your nutrient solution and run the water only for the duration. Total cost of both kits is less than $140.00 and you are set up for any unplanned trips in the future.


Id like to thank you all for your input , I've had a word and my mate will pop in every 3rd day to check as I've asked him nice and promised him a special treat ;) , I am going to setup a dripper system for him so he only has to water whilst he is there so once again thanks and I'll keep you all updated , peace out all


Well-Known Member
Bakatare, how much youd say it would.shorten it?

How big of an effect could.it b on potency.
IDK how much potency, but as far as time wise, I don't think more than a day or two over a couple week's time.
It seems my plant is growing at a very nice clip on 11/13, but without a side by side comparison, I can't say for certain how much of a difference the extra hour is making.
I wouldn't think it would be worth it for just a couple week's time.
I shouldn't say 'worth it', but maybe "Noticeable" is a better word.