6 weeks in & almost BUSTED!!!


Well-Known Member
Word on that, do NOT get caught with multiples.

Best of luck (sounds like you had something going for you) on all of this.
A good criminal has no idea what a jail looks like....or, the only good criminal is one who has never been caught.
I could think of other relevant phrases like:

Loose lips sink ships.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Aargh me hearty, ye knows a good message when ye spies one aye.

Now that I've out-sillied you Seamaiden :roll: :mrgreen: I'm going 4 a nanna nap amongst my 300 plants that are located somewhere on the Eastern shores of the Caspian Sea...:blsmoke:we'll be back around 6pm.


Well-Known Member
Good on ya, I hope your plants are doing well. :)

We're getting packed up and will be leaving Guam early in the morning (or, is that earl-aye in the mornin'? ;). I'll miss the tropical weather.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
not trying to be rude but.1. If the cops come to your place with a warrant there going to search the place--It takes a lot of time and money to get a warrant. 2. Please don't post anymore crap about law enforcement-They have a job to do just like anyone else----I support the local law enforcement. 3. If you want to make a difference------vote-------start a march------contact your local normal----contact your gov-----there are a lot of positive things you can do--------. also-----this is a great place to share TRUTHFUL information---please keep it at that...
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