6 weeks into flowering ww,leafs curling and turning purple


Well-Known Member
ok so im in the 6th week of flowering 2 white widow clones and the leafs are starting to turn a bit purple and when i look close some of the buds are too,i just wanna know if this is normal as on my last grow using 250hps i didnt get this.
now im using 600hps with good intake and carbon filter exhaust setup on a nft system, my temps where getting really high like 95-100 but ive fixed that now and its a steady 80 in there now with lights on and the humidity is around the 15-20% mark.

am i worrying over nothing or is this some kind of deficiency?

check the pics,there not great coz im using my fone but you can notice the purple best on the first 1.

any advice is really aprieciated

cheers guys




Well-Known Member
we might be completely wrong. theres nothing to stop some random coming on here and talking shit. my advice is buy a book from jorge cervantes and dont use forums.

yeah i watched his vid was pretty good.
this site has got me this far so it cant be all bad