60 Day Lemon Outdoor Fall Grow Expirament Autoflower


Watsup fellas
Okay so my overall plan is to grow 9 autoflower plants (6, 60 Day Lemon and 3 Sweet Skunk seeds) outdoors in the fall.
The seeds are hopefully going to be planted August 15-20th. I just got confirmed that they have shipped so ill cross my fingers for fast shipping.

So im planning to dig 9, 3 gallon holes in the ground and use smartpots the fabric ones you know.
And my potting mix will be fox farm ocean forest, I may throw in some soil lime and perlite in it. It just depends how things roll out.

Im growing in the
midwest so hopefully it wont be cloudy all the time.
My nutrients are going to be fox farm trio for 3 plants but im only going to give them half the doses and only for vegatative and flowering cycle. And for the other plants im going to give miracle grow tomato food... I know I know everybody hates that but I saw an experiment of it online and I decided why not.

I think thats it really if you have any tips they would be greatly appreciated and I will keep you guys updated with pics and info. Again this is mainly an expirament and its my first grow im not hoping for much bud but who knows. Thanks again and keep tokin smokin an choking