600 HPS 2x4 Perpetual grow +mini scrog


Well-Known Member
Smoke was good, I grew two out both were short and squat but now i have 2 more but one is short. The other one is huge and only a few days into flowering. Overall though they were pretty low maintenance. I think i did have to let them go a little longer then the suggested life cycle by the seed company.


Well-Known Member
Today I started pulling out my plants to water them and noticed yellow fading on my two oldest plants the Pakistan Ryder (The worst) Jet 47 (Minor). The Jet 47 is fine with me its getting close to the end. The Pakistan Ryder isnt as far as the Jet 47 and I'm hoping to fix any problems. I think the teas have revamped the soil allowing for quicker consumption and a need for a cal mag dose sooner then expected. Mixed in Some Cal/Mag and Bud Candy for the feeding today. The last couple of feedings have been a majority tea so I thought I'd giver them a break.

Jet 47
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Pakistan Ryder
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Fast Buds
Both are going strong, the tall one is continuing that trend and is the tallest of the tent by several inches. The short bushy one is filling out a lot and has gained more height as well with undergrowth flourishing.


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Staying short and bushy and filling out with fat leaves.

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Well-Known Member
Well I'm getting views so I guess people are watching from a far lol.


Figured I would take some pictures even though its been a short amount of time. That short amount of time though doesn't seem very interesting but when I look back at the spurt of growth my newer plants have shown in just the past 7 days I'm amazed. I really think the introduction of this organic tea has helped the newer plants surpass the size of the older plants in the room. Granted I know its now all the same strain but compared to the old fast buds I grew out a while back I'd say their size and bushiness have both increased. A ton of bottom growth has caught up with the main cola's height and have grown their own side branching. The Vertigo is the only young plant showing a few white roots at the drainage holes. I think Vertigo can handle a bit more nut take up then the others. Usually my plants will get a few minute discoloration/slight burn when the plants hit super soil but the vertigo has not so far while the Fast Buds have.

The Older Plants are starting to really show their age showing a organic fading of the leaves. Jet 47 has really changed color in the past 2 days fading green to yellow is becoming more abundant as the plant nears its chopping date. The Pakistan Ryder on the other hand is showing red pistols and milkyish trichomes but I'm hoping another 3 weeks will really do her good and she will swell up.
Sorry about the smudges on the lens didn't notice till after the fact :(

Jet 47
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Pakistan Ryder
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Fast Bud (Tall) 25 Inches
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Fast Bud (Short)
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Well-Known Member
Some Pics from today... Brewed up another tea and applied it today so i took the opportunity for a little photo shoot. The Jet 47 is getting prettier and prettier by the day the fading on the leaves just makes it look great. Everything else is going swimmingly and i think i even noticed a difference in size of the baby buds forming at the top cola of the tall Fast Bud.

Jet 47
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Fast Bud (Tall)
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Well-Known Member
Tore down and cleaned out all of my tent today and then put it all back together. I lowered my lights as well when I put everything back together. I Decided I will be cutting down Jet 47 soon and it has been put into darkness. The Pakistan Ryder on the other hand looks almost done but the buds arent very swollen. Id say 80% red hairs if not more and on every branch except for one. I will say though it is super frosty. The only thing is one branch looks like its off one of my younger plants, super white pistols and not much bud.. its weird.

Pakistan Ryder
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Fast Buds

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On Deck:


Active Member
I love your thread man. Thanks for taking the time to take all those awesome pics. My camera phone is a hunk of crap and takes forever to upload so I'm envious.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I'm glad you like it.. I've been trying to revamp my journal and get a bit more detailed and in depth. I used to use a under 100 dollar point and shoot but for Christmas I bought myself a new SLR style camera and its made taking pictures so much better... I bought it just for this as my main justification and I haven't had a second thought. I've have been periodically checking up over on yours a bit,Its always looking good over there. I'm jealous of the few extra feet of area you have in your tent compared to mine. Soon enough, maybe in about half a year a new grow room will be in the works and time for an upgrade :)


Active Member
I've got to send myself photos but I don't have any damn internet service out here. I've been keeping an eye on your Pakistan Ryders trying to see how mine might end up. I've got 16 pots in mine, 9 flowering plants and 7 seedlings. It's getting a bit crowded. Keep it up man.


Well-Known Member
I actually am trying to germ another Pakistan Ryder seed as we speak just in case my current one is a dud. It's so frosty I cant get over it but it hasn't swelled, wtf?!.
....Well hopefully this one will figure it out or the next one will be a solid plant if not I'm glad i got the seeds for free with my other orders.

Are you editing your images after you email them to yourself ? Cause i know you gotta be careful with cell phone pics cause of the tagging that piggybacks on the image. If your on top of it cool. If not thought id mention something..


Active Member
Next run I'm ordering nothing but Afghan Kush Ryder, Barney's Pineapple Express, and Pakistan Ryder. I love these Pineapple Express plants, they all look awesome and have no sign of burn or anything. Same for the Afghan Kush.


Well-Known Member
Yea I really really like the Pineapple express big bountiful plant with a outstanding smell. Sadly after the next 2 seedlings (not the ones photod earlier but ones i'm germing now) might be the end of autos for the time being. I have Qrazy Train seeds sitting in my seed box and I think that is going to be my next venture. I might still have 1 or 2 autos on the side though.


Active Member
I can already smell the Pineapple Express at around a month from seed. I've got three and even the stunted one looks lovely. It can handle high nitrogen and quite frankly I've just left them alone and they grow themselves. Little Cheese from them is another story. I've got a huge pheno and a stunted pheno and it was the only seed type that had a failed germ.

I've got a Blue Widow photoperiod plant in the corner I'm considering using for clones in a few months as a contingency against not having more auto seeds, etc.


Well-Known Member
Figured Id share some pics of the harvest... (Sorry Low lighting , did the best I could with the pics. Better ones will be coming when there dry.
Wet Weight 107 grams... I'm guessing 25 dry I hope. She didn't have much side branching but neither did the Other Jet 47s but they were good smoke.

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Active Member
How's that drying rack work out for you? I have grated shelves similar to that I put my buds on last time but it seemed to dry them out too fast and gave it that quick dry taste. Do you cut and hang at all? I tend to go a little trim happy while it's wet and I think it helps dry it out quicker.


Well-Known Member
I like the racks and for my situation they are ideal. My buds usually dry in 4 and a half days and are usually crisp on the outside but stem inst to brittle yet. Then they get thrown in a jar for about 2 weeks and taste and smell are fine after my system of burping and monitoring the humidity as i sweat them out in the jars.


Well-Known Member
Another quick look at the Jet 47
Outside got crusty quick I've been throwing it in a jar for a few hours till humidity gets up to 70% and then let them lay out again.

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Well-Known Member
Cut down a majority of the Pakistan Ryder today not very big buds but lots of small dense buds covered in trichs. I got around 50 grams wet so Im expecting a half. The trim looks delicious though and some edibles may be made in the distant future.

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