600 hps, 8 ladies and a shitload of soil...


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow farmers,

This is my second grow and first grow journal. Im on week 5 of veg at the moment growing 5 NL and 3 AK48 from nirvana (feminized). I started with 5 ak but 1 didnt sprout and 1 was growing much slower than the others so i binned it.

Here is my setup : 600watt hps, 150 blue cfl, Decent soil from the grow shop, hygrometre/thermometre, 100mm rvk fan for exaust, space heater, and oscillating fan.

I am using canna bio vega, flores, and boost (do i need rhizitonic or cannazym?)

Although this is week 5 i will update from seedling.

Any help and advice is appreciated as im still new to all this.


New Member
Hey man, good looking grow so far, I'm interested in the Nirvana's ak48. I was thinking of buying some. Scribbed.
You really should just use 2-3 of those cfl's for your veg stage. Just make sure they're the 6500k ones or "day light" cfls. The Blue spectum emitted from them is better for vegitative growth, than that 600 watt hps. It will also be better for your bill as well as it will make a big diff when you switch to 12/12.
It will give the plants get alot more lumens for the swich and plants love alot more lumens when getting switched to 12/12
keep it green



Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice hardroc. ive got a 250 mh as well that i can use do u think that is better than a 600 hps. also do you reckon i should swap my blue cfl for a white one when i flower?

I get what your saying about giving more lumens for the switch but surely the more the light the better for veg and flowering.


New Member
Well shit yea man, if you got a 250 mh, throw that fucker in there and get rid of the 600 hps till flower, That right there is a fucking near perfect setup.
Mh light is the best for veg, and if you really wanted to and can afford the power bill just add the 600 for flowering. What do you have for fans? What does the temps get like in there?


Well-Known Member
All 9 seeds popped after just 48 hrs. Heres my set up and plants at 1 week from breaking soil. They look really healthy although a little stretched. They were started on a 250 mh but looked a little stretched so i put them under a 600watt hps with a 150cfl. (think this might be overkill?)



Well-Known Member
Cheers hardrock will probably use that combo next time round then as i plan to flower this week. Do you think they would be the same size as they are now if i had used the mh and cfl instead of the 600? I dont really know too much about ideal light spectrums and lumens etc...


Well-Known Member
So they are at about 4 weeks in these pics. I think i went mad with the scizzors. I repoted and then attempted fimming but fucking missed! The shoot carried on growing with retarded leaves. I then decided to top them at the 5th node and also topped every growth shoot at the 2nd or 3rd nodes. Also pruned off bottom branches to sort of lollypop them.

Does ne1 think all this cutting will increase yeild. I realise this is alot of stress for a plant but they are showing no signs of stress and i plan to veg for another 2 weeks. I was just worried that by topping all the shoots i will end up with loads of little buds instead of fat juicy 1s,:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmilie:twisted:



New Member
well the blue spectrum is much better for veg growth, and that's what mh is.
Red spectum is the best for flowering and that's what hps is. It's all relitive to the seasons, in the spring and half the summer the light the sun emits is mostly in the blue spectrum, and in the late summer and fall the sun light changes to orange/red.
I'm not really sure if they'd be bigger or not, but that's what "everyone" says to do. I know that hps makes your plants strech more than mh


New Member
I'd say you did go a little over board with the sissors, it's better to go into a grow and have a plan and stick to it. It's alot better to do your topping as soon as possible so you don't waste unnessasary growth energy.
Your plants are looking nice and healthy though. Good job


Well-Known Member
Does n e 1 have a guess on what i might yeild if they are veged for 6 weeks. Also I have been tucking all the fan leaves below the shoots and plant to tie down top shoots to get an even canopy. Does ne1 else tuck?


New Member
good move, tuck never cut. There is no real answer for your yeild question except you will yeild more..........


Well-Known Member
missed one of your posts mate. Yeah i definetly think ill go with a 250 and a 600 for flower next time. At the mo temps peak at 76 and drop to 60ish. humidity is really low due to the heater, have tried bowls of water and shit but no luck, sometimes humidity is at 00. Should get a humidifier but the plants seem fine. does low humidity affect the buds?


New Member
you want low humidity in flower and high in seedlings and veg. 80-90% seedlings 60-80 for veg and 30-20 in flower.
Is the 76 with the 600 on?


Well-Known Member
I'm on my second grow with the ak 48 from nirvanna and i'm getting real crystal loaded buds but it just has not been a good producer so if your going for size don't know if you wil get it. Maybe better with hydro or dwc I don't know. I can tell you this, I'm growing the ice from nirvanna. First round in dwc and holy shit, beer bottle buds. The shit does not smell at all. Doesn't smell like weed at all. Not as good as results in medium but still great size.


Well-Known Member
Here they are at week 5 The topped shoots are taking right off. There is slight nute burn and they desperetly need reptting ( i think? ). Are these badly rootbound? Ive heard that you can cut through the roots when you repot or do i need to? Hope this wont affect the plants.

The last pic is the weird fan leaves that grew back after i messed up fimming.

