600 watt cupboard grow


Well-Known Member
I have just switched my plants to flowering and thought I might start a grow journal. Better late then never.

I had 9 plants in total. Two were female clones (Snow White) and 7 were bagseed.

I switched them all to flowering about 5 days ago.

2 of the bagseeds were male which I have killed and the remaining 5 bagseeds are female. So I have 7 females all going into flower now, all just starting to shoot out with white pistols.

My grow method is very simple. I fill some small pots with rockwool, then a layer of hydrotron (clay balls) over the top. Then I water by hand every 2-3 days using Canna Nutes (Canna Vega and Canna Flores).

Its all in a cupboard under a 600w HPS cool tube. I've also got two box fans in there for circulation, and also a big carbon filter in the roof of the cupboard. Exhaust is ducted outside.

Here is a pic from today.




Well-Known Member
Not big enough :)

Its about 2 foot deep and 8 foot wide, with about 6 feet of vertical grow space. But im limited in vertical space by the fact that they get too bushy to grow any higher than that.


Well-Known Member
Hi dude is your cupboard air tight with exception of your air extraction system? what is the ambient temp of your room whilst your 600 is on ? what fans do you use? and what size ducting and cool tube do you have set up? sorry for so many questions, only my cupboard is smaller (2'deep,4.5'wide, and 5.5'high) and keeping the temps down with a 600 is missions, your help and answers would be most appreciated - STELTHY ps is your countries weather hot or cold does this effect your grow cupboard temps ?? cheer's mate :)


Well-Known Member
Hi dude is your cupboard air tight with exception of your air extraction system? what is the ambient temp of your room whilst your 600 is on ? what fans do you use? and what size ducting and cool tube do you have set up? sorry for so many questions, only my cupboard is smaller (2'deep,4.5'wide, and 5.5'high) and keeping the temps down with a 600 is missions, your help and answers would be most appreciated - STELTHY ps is your countries weather hot or cold does this effect your grow cupboard temps ?? cheer's mate :)
No my cupboard is not air tight. My intake system is passive.

There are gaps underneath the doors, and also where the doors close together. Thats where my fresh air gets sucked in, and then up through the plants to the roof of the cupboard where it gets sucked out through my carbon filter.

This also means that the cupboard isn't light proof, but the room that the cupboard is in is completely light proof so thats not an issue.

At the moment in my country tempretatures in the daytime outside are around 15 degrees celsius, and at night time down to about 5 degrees celsius.

In my cupboard the temp stays at about 23-25 celsius during lights on, and drops down to about 15 degrees celsius at night during lights off.

In my country it is winter at the moment. There is no way I can grow in a cupboard here in summer as the temps get to 40 celsius outside which even with air conditioning on in my house, my cupboard with the 600w going gets up to about 35-40 celsius which is way too hot.

My cool tube ducting is 150mm in diameter and my fan is very powerful but also very noisy.

I've tried a few different methods of growing over the years and I find that the more simple you can make things, the better the results usually.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention that I've just started adding Canna Boost Accelerator into my feeding solution at 3.0ml/litre


Well-Known Member
One of the bagseeds turned into a hermie (balls developing underneath some bud sites). It was the big tall one, at the back left. I've removed it and killed it. I took some photos but I couldn't zoom in far enough without it going out of focus.

So 6 plants remaining. All looking good, no signs of hermies on the others.

I suspected that it was either going to be hermie or male, because it was a good 12 inches taller than all the other plants. I find that the plants that take off like that generally end up being male or hermie.


Well-Known Member
Im about 30 days into flowering, so about 30 days to go.

Here are some updated pics, the buds are starting to get some nice size to them. Check out all the white chrystals around the bud sites on the Snow White.


