600 watt Monster Bud 3.5-3.5 tent grow. Could use help and advice.


Active Member
Hello again. Moved to a new house and trying to grow again. I've grown twice and had some mixed results. The plan is to veg for 4-6 weeks or until about 18inches-2ft with topping once maybe twice using a closet and once transplanted into 3 gallon pots moved into my grow tent. Veg lighting will be 20watt 4-8 Daylight CFL's and 1 Soft white CFL. Flowering will be done by a 600 watt in an air cooled hood. I'm using Fox Farm Nutrients Big Boom, Grow Big and Tiger Boom and their soil schedule. Also will be using Snow Storm and Gravity. Growing medium is Happy Frog. Plan on Watering twice a week, Monday and Thursday. The water is put into old gallon milk jugs I've cleaned and let stand for about 72 hours. Link to the strain I'm growing http://highgrade-seeds.com/seedlist.html

Questions I have
Do I need to PH Balance water if its been left out for 72 hours?
600 Watt bulp was used for 2 full grows, should I purchase a new one and any recommendations?
Thinking about using CO2 bags, is it a good idea? http://www.alternativeco2.com/ExHale-CO2-Bags-p/co2b.htm
How many plants should I grow in a 3.5ft tent, I'm currently vegging 7.
Any suggestions on how to increase yields, mine in the past have been very low.

Any advice or comments would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks for viewing.

