60cmx60cmx180cm grow tent advice

Hi Guys, I'm new to grow, I currently have two plants growing about 3 weeks.I have one or two questions that I hope some of you experienced growers may be able to answer.

I have the two plants under a blue 250w cfl, when do I need to change this to a red spectrum lamp?

I just bought an inline fan/Carbonfilter/and ducting combo, how do i set this up? is it supposed to go inside the tent? I dont think I have room the reflector and bulb are pretty big.

I have noticed the bulb is starting to sag due to it's weight, anyone have any soloutions for this? would a wire tied around the bulb and reflector be safe for extra support.




if you're using carbon filter it comes off the other side of the light , hope this helps xx


Active Member
filter in the tent, fan anywhere pulling the air through, in the loft ideally so no noise! as a rule i tend to grow untill they are around 1ft tall as they will grow for 2 weeks after the switch.


Active Member
ps you could have the filter on the floor with ducting running to the other side of the light if you cant hang it. benefits of hanging is that it sucks the warmer air from the top of the tent controlling temps


i agree but remember to keep all ducting as straight as possible .. plus you're right it gets quite noisy, my tent is in my bed room but you get used to the sounds after a few weeks :)
I have a simple reflector, there is nowhere i can attach ducting, I have a hole at the top of the tent, and a hole at the side.Sp the idea is to suckair out of the tent, through the carbon filter first, yes?
How does this help ventilation ?


yes niall .. first carbon filter .. then ducting .. then extractor .. then ducting going out of hole at top of tent .. keep all of this at the top like mine is mate if you can

stickybob .. i'm finding the noise comforting, lets me know the babies are growing .. i have ordered a silencer though cos it's less comforting at 6am :)