60watt bulb in tiny grow box


Well-Known Member
i would use atleast 100w or 150w but y not get a little bigger space to work with like a 2x2 and a 250w hps and how tall is ur space?


Active Member
there is no way you can get a 250 watt hps in 2' x 2' room.... shit you need like a 1' of space between the bulb and plant as it is.... no way


im growin it under my bed its all inches tall and 11 inches wide with a 60w bulb and my question was would i sprout and grow good till it gets bigger?


Well-Known Member
there is no way you can get a 250 watt hps in 2' x 2' room.... shit you need like a 1' of space between the bulb and plant as it is.... no way
LOL no a 2x2x6 2'wide 2'deep 6'high or higher but i think 6' would work well with 2-4 plant with some training


Well-Known Member
im growin it under my bed its all inches tall and 11 inches wide with a 60w bulb and my question was would i sprout and grow good till it gets bigger?
i dont see why not are ur plants in party cups if so that about 5'' gone there u may get 3 weeks of growth maybe more IMO


Well-Known Member
I dont think you will be able to grow a plant in a space that small to begin with regardless of the light you use.


im starting them in their until they start sprouting leaves and im using a 100w white round bulb is that okay?


Well-Known Member
no. only a tiny amount of the energy used is put out as light and the rest is put out as heat with halogen. the combination of the 2 makes it impossible almost to get enough light close enough without torching the plants from the heat.


Well-Known Member
no. only a tiny amount of the energy used is put out as light and the rest is put out as heat with halogen. the combination of the 2 makes it impossible almost to get enough light close enough without torching the plants from the heat.
why would anybody use a halogen light to grow?


Well-Known Member
incandecent lightbulbs are useless man use cfls like darkdistrucktoin said the heat to light output is no good and the color spectrum is not right for growing ur seedlings will stretch and u dont want this


Active Member
I am using a cfl like that one with my seedlings an inch away from the bulb. I am thinking about getting a different cfl because i remember my other cfl's being more robust. my memory is just a little fuzzy on the wattage or what kind they were.


Well-Known Member
well, technically, sure. its certainly far from ideal and i use at least 2 26w per seedling but it will keep the plant alive and if you can keep the light within an inch or so growth should be slow, but steady. one question though. what do you intend to use for a fan? its pretty essential for good stem development. you dont want a skinny stemmed weak plant that cant support itself.