65 day Critical auto 66 days in


This is my first indoor grow, it was going to be outside but the weather this year shit so i bought a small set up, i wasnt prepared at all and by the time it was all here and set up my ladies had begun to flower, i had previously had them under a small blurple usb lamp, and considering the situation they looked healthy and seemed fine when i moved them under my Xeccon 2000w (220w i think). Its been 66 days since i planted, unfortunatly as i hadnt done a great deal of research on indoor growing or autoflower, i now realise i made several massive mistakes
I transplanted twice into bigger pots and tried feeding as they started to flower using nitrogen heavy multi purpose plant food.
Also at first i thought the nitrogen poisoning was overwatering, so starved them of water for over a week.
In short i really dont know how they have survived but as far a s i can tell with my very limited knowledge they seem to be ok??? One was way worse than the other, actually that one was always different, it was lanky and looked out of preportion. Now that one looks closer to finishing but i may be completly wrong.
What do y'all think? IMG_20210430_084528.jpgIMG_20210430_084500.jpgIMG_20210430_100248.jpgIMG_20210430_084512.jpgIMG_20210430_100128.jpgIMG_20210430_100159.jpgIMG_20210430_084443.jpgIMG_20210430_100233.jpgIMG_20210430_084451.jpgIMG_20210430_100144.jpg

go go kid

Well-Known Member
a way to go yet, the hairs havent turned red/brown yet. looking verry nice though, yes,i have noticed that plants in growth need less ligh or can get away with less light b 4 flowering begins, then i blast them with the highest wattage i have at my disposal.
you have some nice colas there. good luck and be patient


a way to go yet, the hairs havent turned red/brown yet. looking verry nice though, yes,i have noticed that plants in growth need less ligh or can get away with less light b 4 flowering begins, then i blast them with the highest wattage i have at my disposal.
you have some nice colas there. good luck and be patient
Thats awesome to hear freind, thanks


Well-Known Member
NEVER take breeder hype as verbatim. Your grow environment… “ handling “ ( feeding / care ) … lighting etc. play in to it as well .

Based on your missteps previously , it actually doesn’t look to bad ( not sure why its missing side branches ) but just keep blooming it.

Weeks to go - no more nitro heavy feed - simple bloom mix. Autos are not hard … simple feeding / lots of light and let them go til wheels fall off. DONE.

Yours have lots of immature pistils still thriving - they will recede and darken as plant ripens. Buds will bulk in later stage. Look up harvest ready buds to see what the flowers look like at harvest …