6under6 GDP


Well-Known Member
yea the ATF were in bad soil with prior root bound. i loosened up as much as i was comfortable doing and spread the existing roots out and covered with good soil medium. gave a good feed with n and a couple waterings only on the outside of pot. they have responded well and have great root advancement. nice white feeders filling the void, plente enough to flower now.


Well-Known Member
Nice to see you getting your hands dirty ;)

Cant wait to see Rd 3 :)
bc i can see why others like soil so much...its very easy so far, and i love how you can move around and give individual attention to each plant. the minuses are having to water each plant lol, guess it balances out. i think the hydro is faster growing and is much easier in water maintenance but is such a bitch to give individual attention the way im set up. both have their plus n minus. if i were not in a tent and had plenty of room i think a scrog in hydro would be the way to go. in a tent the access is lacking to maintain a scrog properly. its on my wish list to have the room to scrog, maby soon brother, maby soon :)


Well-Known Member

ive been away since xmas eve. just got in tonight and gave the girls a feeding. wow they grew over the last week!!!! no light being lost to open space as you cant see the floor at all. oops forgot pics lmao...


Well-Known Member
ATF 2nd pic, I would spray them with Serenade, got some white spots bro!

Jesus you are really going to have a full ass tent of bud bro! Wow, is this going to be bigger than the HB??? Have a safe New Years bro!




Well-Known Member
going to do a bit of maintenance this week, have to do a bit of thinning and spray them down too. ive been watching a few spots, some more obvious than others. i thought it was thirps at first, with just your eye thats what it looks like but with scope its not obvious to me whats going on. i cant find any critters at all and the spots look like maby some type of fungus under the scope. i can find no referance material that matches what i see. i really wanted to identify it before i sprayed them down but so far no bueno. the spots are not spreading very much and seem to be isolated on only a few plants. oh well im going to act like a dr and just prescribe something that a broad spectrum antidote, that way it will solve whatever it is reguardless.
great eye bkb n thanks for the heads up. blind my ass lmfao


Well-Known Member
When it comes to PM I have Superman Vision....When it comes to bugs, pistils and trichs I have Ray Charles Vision.


Well-Known Member
When it comes to PM I have Superman Vision....When it comes to bugs, pistils and trichs I have Ray Charles Vision.
lmao well ray you have the spot spotted but its not pm, nor is it thirps. def some kind of issue but not bug related, some kind of spore developing. it looks just like thirp damage following thr chanell in the leaf the way they do but its def not bugs. going to take care of it with a broad spectrum n forget i ever had it...


Well-Known Member
PM is Powdery Mildew and thats what those spots are bro. I only say that cause I had the exact same spots on my plants before and Serenade got rid of it quickly!




Well-Known Member
i stand corrected... bkb i thought you were blind? i just started pulling them out and you are right pm!!!! not but a few spots but thanks for the heads up. i was planning on pulling them all out tonight and doing ba good trim and spray before lights on in the morning. guess it is a good thing i had already planned it . thanks bkb brother i wont be so fast to counter your diagnoses, was fixated on the thirp thing and totally missed the pm. well i will have both problems taken care of in a jiffy