if you stood up the 5 gallon bucket laying next to dude it would be up to his waist. yet his foot won't fit in it.
*scratches head*
WTF are you talking about? I am looking at that same pic and I see a bucket that if laid up would be to his knees which just so happens to be the size of a five gallon bucket :scratches head:
I can see why you have 45K posts , you must post BS like this hundreds of times a day.

Makes ZERO sense to me but whatever floats your boat. Must Just be jealous I guess of what these guys are clearly capable of that or so stoned you are seeing things.
LOL that ANYONE would think a plant couldnt get 12-14 feet tall (size of actual plant not including container) when placed outdoors in early May to Veg for 3-4 months in 300+ Cubic feet of good soil. If you read the thread you would also know that those raised portions are sitting over a massive trench also filled with soil. But I suppose to some people those plants look like they are atleast 40 feet tall !!! Hell honestly I am surprised they arent bigger.