7 months later


Active Member
I know most of you dont know me, but the whole reason i came to this site and started doin what im doin with my plants is because i needed a hobby. A hobby to take my mind off of my back pain, totaled Harley, lost weight, and lost income.

A quick back track

7 months ago i was involved in a MVA while i was on my way to see my girlfriend, on Friday February 13, 2009, at her place of work (Tattoo shop) because i was going to surprise her by showing up and getting us matching friday the 13th/ valentines day tattoos. Long story short, the tattoos didnt happen. instead i ended up in the emergency room at UMC (joy >.>) with a blown disk in my back, ruptured tendon in my left knee w/ 3 mid sized effusions, and a broken right wrist. No road rash, i had full body leathers on (thank the gods).

anyway to my point. I cant believe its 7 months now that have gone by. I cant believe how badly insurance companies drag their damn feet, and i dont know how much lower i can get, somethings gotta give. I just got off the phone with my attorney whom informed me that they're waiting on "approval" from the other parties' insurance carrier to continue medical treatment. Reason for this, there were more people involved than just me on my Harley and the driver of the POS Explorer that hit me. Dumb bitch had 6 people (including herself) in a 5 seater vehicle. After the accident was over and after she had gotten done flipping her SUV twice while doing 75mph on a surface street, 3 of her passengers were on the ground OUTSIDE of the vehicle. "Oh, no officer, we all had our seatbelts on." Thats the BS she fed the cops, L-O-L right? Dont worry it gets even better. The mother of this waste of flesh shows up on the scene, starts coaching her offspring on what to and not to say to the cops, My girlfriend even got that shit on camera phone!

So, with most of the minorly, and hugely outrageous infractions and points made and laid out on the table this is where i sit. Im currently waiting for an approval of sorts, from the oppsing insurance company, to continue on with medical treatment so that i may hopefully someday become, once again, a productive member of society. The only obstacle is that we ( we being myself and my attorney) still dont know how much of they coverage went to the dumbasses who were ejected from their vehicle. And even though the dumb bitch driving was found to be 100 million% at fault, the other rich snobby little yupps that she had thrown from her coach have medical bills too, apparently, and now i sit at a stalemate for another 30 days, doing nothing, sitting in pain, not elligible for disability, no ability to obtain unemployment anymore, and no ability to physically carry on as an auto mechanic, my profession....

I was thinking of going back to school for business or graphic/web design. Maybe minor in biological studies (botany specifically). :lol:

anywho, now that ive had a chance to let the angst flow through my fingertips, I feel much better. Now i just wish i had some smoke so i could get my back to quit hurtin so damn much...

thanks for reading

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I've worked for an attorney before and I've seen stuff like this happen several times. Its a screwed up situation and I feel for you. About the only thing to do is burn one.

Sr. Verde

What happened as far as getting hit? I know how it feels to go down and loose a bike, I went down @ 50+ mph after I entered a turn and got blown into the curb still mid turn, by the wind (55+mph wind)... Slid through the gravel median, onto the next road, and through two lanes of traffic going the opposite way... I had helmet, t-shirt, and shorts on :\

I would smoke you out if I ever met you man ;)


Active Member
What happened as far as getting hit? I know how it feels to go down and loose a bike, I went down @ 50+ mph after I entered a turn and got blown into the curb still mid turn, by the wind (55+mph wind)... Slid through the gravel median, onto the next road, and through two lanes of traffic going the opposite way... I had helmet, t-shirt, and shorts on :\

I would smoke you out if I ever met you man ;)
Sorry to hear about your accident man, i never like hearing about a fellow rider laying it down, specially with so little protection.... ouch.

I had a 2006 Harley Davidson Sportster 1200cc

As far as the accident goes, I was on my way to go see my girl, taking surface streets as i was in no rush. Doing the speed limit, 45 mph, down Charleston Blvd. The girl that hit me was 17yrs old driving a 2001 Ford Explorer with 5 other minors in the vehicle for a total of 6 (only 5 seats allotted), doing 75-80 mph in the same direction as me.

I've no clue if she just didn't see me, wasn't looking, or what, she blindsided/sideswiped me on the left, how I didn't get knocked off the bike is a wonder. as soon as she swiped me, i started to lose control and fishtail; (downshifting all the way doing my best to regain control) she over corrected to the left, then over corrected severely again back towards me to the right. During her cut back to the right she managed to get her vehicle up on its 2 left wheels, and she then came across my lane in front of me and the right rear wheel (which was up in the air) hit my front tire and tore the bike out from underneath me. My Bike spun on its side for 4 complete revolutions for a distance just shy of 200 ft, i rolled 150 ft. Oh ya and 3 of her passengers were ejected during the 2 rolls. Had 4 Metro Bike cops show up to the scene, not one cruiser... lol go figure. If it had not been for the engine guard keeping the weight of the bike off of my leg, I'd probably be 6ft under now. The cop that wrote my report came into the emergency recovery room and asked me if i were a cat, or something to the effect of having nine lives... Told me straight up that i should be dead... Luckily it was cold that night, so I was in full leathers. *sigh* but they're gone now, with my bike, and the missed Laughlin Run, and the perfect spring and summer... damn, oh well!

just got a text from my buddy, hes bringing me some of my favorite smoke tomorrow, Sour D! So i have that to look forward to.

Thanks for spreadin the love man, little of that goes a long wayz now a dayz. :peace: