8 weeks into 12/12. when do i cut??


Active Member
So i have 4 different looking plants. They have been under a 250watt HPS for the last 8 weeks. two of them look ready to cut and two don't. i wanted to dry the whole plant in the room but i can't if two are still growing. any help is great. thanks

plant 1

  plant 2
View attachment 904354

plant 3

plant 3.  [HTML][ATTACH=CONFIG]904385[/ATTACH]

plant 4.



Well-Known Member
same problem, i have two plants one is going to be done before the other
but i was planing on using my closet i grow in, to dry the buds as well..


Well-Known Member
none of those plants look near done to me. when a seed bank says 8 weeks they dont tell you it takes 2 or so weeks to convert from vegging to flowering after switching to 12/12. You still have white hairs standing up everywhere on all those pics. Well cant tell on the 2nd pic its to far back but all the others got at LEAST two weeks to go... at least IMO

But to answere your question....

Dry them somewhere else lol

Brick Top

New Member
If some are ready to be harvested and others need more time, improvise. Sure you wanted to grow it in the closet and then be able to dry it all at once in the same closet … but just make a dry-box or three and dry part of your harvest in them.

Unless you have some other location/closet that you had not thought of that you could use to dry the first harvest in while the rest finishes, or know of some way to slow down some plants maturing while at the same time speeding up the maturing of other plants, what other viable option do you really have than a dry-box, or dry-boxes?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
none of those plants look near done to me. when a seed bank says 8 weeks they dont tell you it takes 2 or so weeks to convert from vegging to flowering after switching to 12/12. You still have white hairs standing up everywhere on all those pics. Well cant tell on the 2nd pic its to far back but all the others got at LEAST two weeks to go... at least IMO

But to answere your question....

Dry them somewhere else lol

i agree u should let all of them go a little longer... maybe plant 4 there could be cut down, if you want the early buzz (look up on cutting them a little early or late it sometimes changes the type of high) its all about the little trichomes colors but if the hairs are still white that means the plant is still growing.


Well-Known Member
get a little microscope to see the trichomes.
or a lupe.
wait til its 50% amber trichs, you will be happy you waited.


Active Member
it sounds like you guys think they have around two weeks left. What about stopping with ferts? Is this about the right time to start clearing the soil?


Well-Known Member
i start to flush when my trichs turn cloudy and are about to start turning amber. 7-10 days minimum. but i'm in hydro, so you probably want to go 14 days or so.
so if you think in 2 weeks you will chop i would flush now.


You dont need a scope to see that those are not done. Patience my friend patience. The hairs on your girl will receed into the calyx those hairs are still poking way out and they will all be red. Not to mention its easy to tell when a plant has become ripe it will get a darker tint to it. If you watch them day by day you will notice :). Just trust me wait and as bricktop said improvise make a box its easy to make a home made carbon filter if smell is an issue.
The best way to tell if they are ready to go is to examine the trichomes under a decently strong magnifying glass (30 or 40x should do) I generally aim to take my ladies down when ~25% of the trichs have turned an amber color (be sure to look at the tricks on the bud itself not a bigleaf)
And yeh, if you think you're two weeks out and are planning on flushing with plain water give them two weeks, also if you want the best taste, harvest after a 20-30 hr dark period, it causes the starches in the plant (which make the bud taste and smell funny time to retreat back to the roots) gl!!! :)