800watt SoG- ebb&flow//aero


Well-Known Member
This will be my first real hydro grow. Previous to this I grew in soil but that shit is too messy and slow so ive deceided to go hydro. Ive spent the last few months going over and experimenting on a small scale which system i want to do and finnaly made up my mind.

I will be doing an ebb & flow system for the veg room, using 4 4ft floros to keep my mothers in veg and I will be doing a 16-20 site aero/nft system in the flowering room, using 1 400watt HPS and 1 400watt MH SoG style. Previous to this grow i used the MH for the veg room but decided that id just throw both 400watters in the flowering room(i will have to alternate the 400watts prob daily so that all the plants get the benefit of having an hps) and use regular floros for mothers since they dont need a bunch of light to produce what i need from em. I like to think that one day the 400 watters will eventually be replaced with 2 600watt hps, but for now i gotta use what i got. heres a crude paint layout



Well-Known Member
Sweet bro i'll keep an eye out on this thread. Hey you should take a peek at the setup i just started.


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Oh yeah before i forget anyone feel free to stop by and make comments in this journal. Like I said 1st hydro grow and Ill prob fuck something up.

I am waiting for my drill to charge so I can mount my last floro light and start drilling in my ebb and flow tub. I will be placing an order for the rest of the materials I need for my aero system tomorrow and ideally constructing it on friday pending everything gets here. But my ebb and flow table should be completed by tonight.

Heres what Im basically workin with for the ebb and flow table:

For the table I am just making a cheap sawhorse out of these little $5 kits from come crappy 2x4s with some boards across it.

I cut everything by hand and I finally got it put together. You can see my grow room in the backround.


Well-Known Member
My homie said he might have some clones of Lemon G to sell me in the hopefully not so distant future. Regardless I will be germinating 6 Celtic Berry seeds incase that falls through once I see my table work(once my drill charges i will finish it and upload pics of the room and finished ebb and flow table tonight)


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Turns out my new drill doesnt have a big enough bit for how i mount my lights(fucking conrete) so its going to have to wait till tues to mount my other floros. nbd i wont have plants till then anyways.

By the way the tub Im using i got from lowes in the concrete department. $5. The water pump im using is like 100gph(as it turns out this was more than enough and i had to turn it down to its lowest setting so it didnt shoot water up into my floros). Im using a standard rubbermaid for a res.

i ordered an overflow kit last week for the table. i had kinda a hard time finding them because the few sites i looked at had weird wording and didnt give me a visual pic of exatly what i was buying. i eventually found this place https://fifthseasongardening.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=526_35_229&products_id=1020 and it costs about $20. when i got it it looked like:

minus the white piece. perfect. installed it looks like:

from under:

i went to jack aquarium to buy other random things for my res including a bubble wand, underwater thermometer, air pump, and water heater for the upcoming winter months.

here it is all hooked up(dont worry about the power cords and shit laying on the ground, once everything is up and running ill have it elevated obv. you can also see how the room is already seperated. but i havent started working on the aero/nft system yet which will be in the flowering room. pics on that next week maybes.

and i turned it on to make sure the overflow worked properly and i had no possiblity for flooding over the tray:

I will germ some seeds tonight and the next time i post the system should be complete with bubble wand/more safe electrical outlets/stuff growing in the tray


Well-Known Member
my seeds are finally popping. i have some rockwool soaked and rinsed off my hydroton. the seeds should be going into the system tonight. no lemon g clones but i will be doing 6 celtic berry plants in the hopes of finding 2 mothers. my last grow was celtic stone and the shit put me on my ass.


Well-Known Member
also ive been slacking and havent done shit about constructing my flowering room setup. maybe i will tomorrow


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when i germd my seeds i tried a different method than i usually do. i read about some dudes success germing in a plastic bag witha little water inside. i tried this and it took longer and when they cracked i put them in the rockwool. the taproot was barely showing but i assumed that it would continue to grow out and search for water in the rockwool.

well 3 days have passed and i decided to open the rockwool and look at the seeds. the taproot hasnt grown at all and is still barely out of the seed. so im putting them back into the germ stage using the method that i always used. damp wash rag.

hopefully by tomorrow morning the taproot grows out a little bit and ill put them back under the light. CMON SEEDS


Well-Known Member
i looked at the seeds today. now i dont even see a taproot. i think they fucked. GREAT START. Starting 6 Australian Blue seeds just in case. Came with my celtic berry. Well see what happens.


Well-Known Member
i couldnt get the celtic berry seeds to recover. i got 4 left so ill start them next season prob.

5 of the 6 australian blue seeds i germed have sprouted and the last one is about to later tonight/tomorrow. Its starting to get a little cold, so today i am going to home depot to purchase and space heater and the rest of the materials i need for my aero system; ill prob build my cloner now too.

is there such thing as a little space heater that comes on automatically if it gets too cool. lets hope so. pics later when i get home. im still smokin weed now tho so give me some hours


Well-Known Member


the one on the far left just popped out today

on 3/6 of them the tap root was poking out the bottom so i poured some water down the middle of my pots and put the cubes on top. in 2-3 days theyll be going into the ebb&flow tray


Well-Known Member
7 days since germ. i guess ill update weekly with pics.

somehow 1 seedling died. it happened after i brought the heater in. i came home and 3 of the 6 were drooping. i guess the heaters really dried out the rockwool on a few and sadly 1 died. the other 2 were perked back up like 20mins after i watered them. all seedlings went into the e&f tray the day after my last post.

full shot of the ebb and flow tray and lights.

having used an aero system on the last plants i veggd growth seems a little slow. but once more roots develop i expect things to really pick up

still just usin plain tap water for feeding. might step up to something like 1/8th nutes next week


Well-Known Member
also only feeding 2 times a day. these pics were taken about 15mins before feeding. the top of the rockwool very slightly moist to the touch. my pump runs for 15mins every 12 hours. my lights on 24/7. when i start hitting them with nutes ill prob switch to 18/6 and do a 3 time a day watering.


Well-Known Member
on sunday i started to see some faint yellowing so i added a nute mixture last night. im still not fully happy with the growth rate on this system seeing as my aero vegd plants looked like this on prob day 4 and this has been 2 weeks. but my aero grow kinda got out of control lol so i guess these will be a lot easier to maintain.

also i woke up today and my tray was not draining properly. my tray was still flooded 3 hours after the pump came on. it seems my tubing wasnt straight enough and created some kind of kink preventing it from draining. who knows how long this has been going on, however they dont seem to be suffering from overwatering so~ heres pics takin from right now

also starting to see some roots poke out of the bottoms of my pots.

using advanced nutrients grow
ppm 350
ph 5.8
ambient temp 80
res temp 75
watering 3 times a day

this is the water lvl 3 hours after the pump turned off. wtf? after moving the hose around it started draining. i cut off about 2 inches of hosing and made it almost perfectly straight. hopefully this corrects what happened.

this is my biggest one. prob a male.

kinda discouraging they still look so small. when i vegs with aero the stems were about as thick as a sharpie. these still look so small

these edges on this one are curling a little. i noticed it before i added nutes. well see what happens