9 weeks do you think its done !!!!!!!! TRICHOME PICS !!!!!!!!!!

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
Do you think my baby is done here are some pic's of the trich's.

Picture 045.jpg Picture 047.jpg Picture 050.jpg Picture 048.jpg Picture 044.jpg Picture 043.jpg Picture 046.jpg Picture 049.jpg Picture 042.jpg
Sorry about the poor pic's. Its the best I can do with what I got


They still look pretty clear, and from what I've read, you want them to be just starting to turn amber in colour. So maybe another week?


Active Member
I see a few amber looking ones in there, looking pretty good. My last grow I let go 11 weeks waiting for the amber change but it never really happened. Finally after no nutes for like a month I figured enough and chopped them, they smoke great. I'd go for overall ripeness, like autumn colors, retracted pistils, swelling etc. Looking at trichs alone hasn't been working for me.

What did you use for the pics, however. They are super close up!


Active Member
I personally prefer to chop them when the trichomes are mostly cloudy regardless of how much amber I have. I'm not a couchlock kinda guy though. I'd start to flush soon if you haven't already. That's me personally though.


Well-Known Member
Mine were only slightly more cloudy and there were a few more ambers when I chopped and the weed I have is killer. Don't get too caught up in the whole purist thing. If it gets you a high you really like, cut it.