"A bong without any water is just a pipe"


Well-Known Member
i think its a good stoner motto to live by. i even put it as my sig! :joint:

*edit* oh and btw i actually have tried using my bong without water, its like taking HUGE tokes off a pipe.


Well-Known Member
Well a bong is called a water pipe, so its not a pipe itself , no body uses a RooR to say, and smokes without water.


Well-Known Member
I use a bubbler without water all the time. I like harsh hits form time to time. If you have a small bong or bubbler its kinda fun to hit without water in my opinion. I actually do it semi often. Its weird yeah.

To me its like just using a pipe but you can take monster hits.


Well-Known Member
Yea lol I can see that for bubblers and small Bongs, but other than that, its suicide