A Business Man's Opinion Of Obama


Well-Known Member
yeah, appliances are free nowadays :roll:

i'm not sure what he spent, but he got about the max back, $1200 or so if i remember correctly. not sure what he replaced but it was damn near free after the tax credit.

and he is using electricity, thus paying less at the end of every month.
Impossible. There is a $500 lifetime limit on the federal tax credits. If you have received a total of $500 in these tax credits from 2006-2011, you are not eligible for any more.

The state of Arizona offers rebates, not tax credits for energy efficient appliances. Your buddy was embellishing by quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
all regulation is bad.

back to lead paint we go!
Lead paint is not inherently bad for a person anymore than a lead bullet sitting in a drawer is. If you don't ingest the lead paint you won't be harmed by it. I guess that would require responsibility for oneself and I forgot you guys want government to be responsible FOR you.

Any idea if eating any other kinds of paint might cause problems? If I drink a gallon of Sherwin Williams titanium white latex and die do you think it is a good idea to ban titanium latex paint too?


Well-Known Member
Lead paint is not inherently bad for a person anymore than a lead bullet sitting in a drawer is. If you don't ingest the lead paint you won't be harmed by it. I guess that would require responsibility for oneself and I forgot you guys want government to be responsible FOR you.

Any idea if eating any other kinds of paint might cause problems? If I drink a gallon of Sherwin Williams titanium white latex and die do you think it is a good idea to ban titanium latex paint too?
Why do you insist on taking an argument you cannot win. Are you really trying to say lead is not bad for you??? A child can eat paint chips or peelings that is deteriorating and have no will effects...You add lead to that paint and a child starts eating paint chips it can cause kidney failure, nervous system damage, fuck with the child growth...Lead also has a pleasant taste( sweet) so a child would love sticking these chips in the mouth...also paint deteriorates and the chance of a home with lead based paint can create a toxic dust that can harm growing children in the home just by breathing it or swallowing it...Please stop trying to argue a point just for the sake of doing so...at least pick a side that you have a chance to win...I don't think you or any grown person would drink a gallon of paint..thats stupid talk, but a toddler can and will put some paint chipping or peeling on the wall, not to mention what could be in the air....I suggest you go learn about lead and the ill effects in can have on a child...Don't you have grandkids ???? would you really take a chance of them putting lead paint in their mouth for the sake of testing your argument...???? geez and WTF


Well-Known Member
Why do you insist on taking an argument you cannot win. Are you really trying to say lead is not bad for you??? A child can eat paint chips or peelings that is deteriorating and have no will effects...You add lead to that paint and a child starts eating paint chips it can cause kidney failure, nervous system damage, fuck with the child growth...Lead also has a pleasant taste( sweet) so a child would love sticking these chips in the mouth...also paint deteriorates and the chance of a home with lead based paint can create a toxic dust that can harm growing children in the home just by breathing it or swallowing it...Please stop trying to argue a point just for the sake of doing so...at least pick a side that you have a chance to win...I don't think you or any grown person would drink a gallon of paint..thats stupid talk, but a toddler can and will put some paint chipping or peeling on the wall, not to mention what could be in the air....I suggest you go learn about lead and the ill effects in can have on a child...Don't you have grandkids ???? would you really take a chance of them putting lead paint in their mouth for the sake of testing your argument...???? geez and WTF
Without lead i could not get my bait to the lower waters to catch my fish, without lead i would not be able to make a qualifying pinewood derby car for boy scouts. Without Lead my car would not start in the morning, my PV system would be unable to store electricity for future use. Without Lead none of my electronics would work due to solder having a lot of lead in it. Without Lead the x-rays i have received may be causing cancer, without lead the radiation from nuclear shielding would fry us all, without Lead most of the wars in this world would still be happening because it takes a hell of a lot longer to run up and get in someones face so you can stab them to death instead of shooting them from a distance.

yep lead sure is bad for you.

BTW I grew up in a house with lead paint with me and my 5 siblings, none of us were stupid enough to peel the paint off the wall and start chowing down, my mother actually fed us so we didn't get so hungry that paint chips looked good. Besides dad would whip our behinds if we were to start ripping the paint off walls.

Lead taste metallic, not sweet.
SOME children might eat paint chips, but the majority won't. Saying that they all WILL eat it is being very dishonest.


Well-Known Member
I'm speaking to Lead based paint (lbp) not you going fishing...please stay on topic with conversation...Lead paint was banned in the 70's for a reason....and guy lead based paint is sweet. just go google " is lead based paint sweet "....please stop talking about what you apparently do not know...and as long as SOME child will eat paint chips it should be banned..and by the way you are talking I think that maybe that paint did cause you harm...


Well-Known Member
I'm speaking to Lead based paint (lbp) not you going fishing...please stay on topic with conversation...Lead paint was banned in the 70's for a reason....and guy lead based paint is sweet. just go google " is lead based paint sweet "....please stop talking about what you apparently do not know...and as long as SOME child will eat paint chips it should be banned..and by the way you are talking I think that maybe that paint did casue you harm...
SOME children will drink gasoline, one of my brothers did, do you suggest we make gasoline illegal also? Ever heard of rattle snakes biting children? I have, yet they don't ever make rattle snakes illegal do they? Your thought process on what criteria is needed to make things illegal (kids might eat it)if it were applied to everything would make everything known to mankind ILLEGAL!!


Well-Known Member
SOME children will drink gasoline, one of my brothers did, do you suggest we make gasoline illegal also? Ever heard of rattle snakes biting children? I have, yet they don't ever make rattle snakes illegal do they? Your thought process on what criteria is needed to make things illegal (kids might eat it)if it were applied to everything would make everything known to mankind ILLEGAL!!
yeah try to save face...Lead paint used to be found in homes..hell right in a toddlers room on the walls...easy reach for a child...do you store a can of gasoline under your childs bed....WTF dude learn when you have lost the battle....I hope you at least learned that adding lead to certain things makes it taste sweet...What makes me so upset with you is I know and see that you are a smart man and some younger cats on hear believe what you say when you speak...Really don't need you spreading false information about something that could cause someone child harm...


Well-Known Member
yeah try to save face...Lead paint used to be found in homes..hell right in a toddlers room on the walls...easy reach for a child...do you store a can of gasoline under your childs bed....WTF dude learn when you have lost the battle....I hope you at least learned that adding lead to certain things makes it taste sweet...What makes me so upset with you is I know and see that you are a smart man and some younger cats on hear believe what you say when you speak...Really don't need you spreading false information about something that could cause someone child harm...
You said LEAD was dangerous, I corrected you, now you have changed it to say LEAD PAINT is dangerous. well its not, its only dangerous if you ingest it.


Well-Known Member
You said LEAD was dangerous, I corrected you, now you have changed it to say LEAD PAINT is dangerous. well its not, its only dangerous if you ingest it.
this convo started and has always been about lead PAINT. stop trying to save face..also go google "breathing lead paint". lets see if u r a man that admit when wrong


Well-Known Member
ingesting means to bring into the body. It doesn't mean only by eating, although that is the most common method by which things enter our bodies.

BTW I looked up "Breathing lead paint" guess what the official answer was when it came to removal?

Q:Getting rid of lead paint is better than leaving it there. A: False. Lead paint that is in good condition is usually not a hazard.
Which is exactly what I have been saying all along, I'm just glad the EPA, and therefore by proxy, you, can agree.


Well-Known Member
Someone has been eating his lead pencil's at school while pledging to some god lol,,Where is all the lead? Can't be good we tested it and some lead head is mad lol. I like aspestos' or whatever I was actually at the mine and town in canada amazing how scary that shit is and people for profit suck it up till' death,,,and spread it all over the world.


Well-Known Member
Well I see Modrama has resorted to lieing now before admitting how wrong he is...RIU don't let your child put something with lead paint on it in his/her mouth.. http://epa.gov/lead/pubs/leadinfo.htm
Facts about lead
FACT: Lead exposure can harm young children and babies even before they are born.
FACT: Even children who seem healthy can have high levels of lead in their bodies.
FACT: You can get lead in your body by breathing or swallowing lead dust, or by eating soil or paint chips containing lead.
FACT: You have many options for reducing lead hazards. In most cases, lead-based paint that is in good condition is not a hazard.
FACT: Removing lead-based paint improperly can increase the danger to your family.

Its bad when someone knows the truth about something but continues to spread lies to others...especially when they lie can harm babies and children...



Well-Known Member
he also only sees what he wants when he reads...yes it does state "In most cases, lead-based paint that is in good condition is not a hazard."...but what happens when it starts to peel,starts to chip...???? All paint will eventually deteriorate... it then creates a hazard for your family or the family now in the home...


Well-Known Member

The industry’s responses to the lawsuits have included denying and deflecting responsibility for causing lead poisoning:
“We voluntarily removed the lead in 1955.”
The industry is fond of claiming that it stopped adding lead to interior paints when it learned that lead-based paint was dangerous. In fact, the lead pigment manufacturers knew that lead-based paint was hazardous long before 1955. The decision to push for adoption of a 1955 standard limiting the lead content in paint was a ploy to further delay government regulation. The self-serving standard allowed 10,000 parts per million of lead in paint, exempted exterior paints altogether, was completely voluntary, and lacked any means for tracking or enforcement.
Moreover, it was largely a concession to market forces. By 1954, with lead-based paints losing market share to safer, better alternatives and with the expanding demand for lead in automobile fuel, it was a clever exit strategy for the lead industry to magnanimously participate in the adoption of this unenforceable standard.
September 2, 1977 Release # 77-096
CPSC Announces Final Ban On Lead-Containing Paint

WASHINGI'ON, D.C. (Sept. 2) -- The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has culminated a major regulatory proceeding by issuing a final ban on lead-containing paint and on toys and furniture coated with such paint. This action was taken to reduce the risk of lead poisoning in children who may ingest paint chips or peelings.
Paint manufacturers replaced white lead with a less toxic substitute, titanium white (based on the pigment titanium dioxide) which was first used in paints in the 19th century. (In fact, titanium dioxide is considered safe enough to use as a food coloring and in toothpaste, and is a common ingredient in sunscreen.) The titanium white used in most paints today is often coated with silicon or aluminum oxides for better durability. Titanium white has been criticized for leading to "chalkiness" when mixed with colors, and the possibility of decreased permanence of organic pigments mixed with it due to its high refractive index.
Titanium White is truly the white of the 20th century. Although the titanium pigment, titanium dioxide was discovered in 1821, it was not until 1916 that modern technology had progressed to the point where it could be mass produced. First made commercially in Norway for industrial purposes, it was not until 1921 that a titanium white oil color suitable for artistic purposes was introduced by an American manufacturer. There are many industrial grades of titanium white pigment, none of which are used in their pure form for artists oil color
Glad to see the government stepped in, twenty years late. Also:
One myth related to lead-based paint is that children must eat leaded paint chips to develop lead poisoning. In fact, childhood lead exposure can occur by way of ingestion of lead dust through normal hand-to-mouth contact during which children swallow lead dust dislodged from deteriorated paint or leaded dust generated during remodelling or painting
So in summary, lead based paint was considered a headache by the industry due to it's risks and an American manufacturer introduced titanium dioxide in paint in 1921, and paint manufactures claim to have voluntarily removed the lead in paint in 1955. Yet our government stepped in in 1977 to stay STOP! Also, that ban was pushed by the paint industries in order to prevent further regulation.


Well-Known Member
Why do they want to subject us to more mercury? why are they making us get rid of normal light bulbs for high mercury CFL's?


Well-Known Member
he also only sees what he wants when he reads...yes it does state "In most cases, lead-based paint that is in good condition is not a hazard."...but what happens when it starts to peel,starts to chip...???? All paint will eventually deteriorate... it then creates a hazard for your family or the family now in the home...
You're supposed to paint before it deteriorates, whether it has lead in it or not. Paint is primarily used to make wood last longer and prevent rot, color is secondary. However, that point is moot because lead based paint doesn't need to chip away or anything to be just as toxic.


Well-Known Member
Well I see Modrama has resorted to lieing now before admitting how wrong he is...RIU don't let your child put something with lead paint on it in his/her mouth.. http://epa.gov/lead/pubs/leadinfo.htm
Facts about lead
FACT: Lead exposure can harm young children and babies even before they are born.
FACT: Even children who seem healthy can have high levels of lead in their bodies.
FACT: You can get lead in your body by breathing or swallowing lead dust, or by eating soil or paint chips containing lead.
FACT: You have many options for reducing lead hazards. In most cases, lead-based paint that is in good condition is not a hazard.
FACT: Removing lead-based paint improperly can increase the danger to your family.

Its bad when someone knows the truth about something but continues to spread lies to others...especially when they lie can harm babies and children...


LMAO its one thing to make an argument and call someone a liar, but then when you go and use the same fucking quote, it either makes you a liar also, or it makes it the truth.

Does lead based paint that you don't ingest a health hazard to you? The EPA says IT IS NOT!! If you don't ingest lead based paint it is for all intents and purposes HARMLESS TO YOU!! Charles Manson is a freaky serial killer, but I bet my life on it that you don't go on crusades telling us all how bad and dangerous he is do you? FUCK NO!! That fucker isn't ever going to get out of prison, he is for all intents and purposes HARMLESS!!

You see my point? You say Lead paint is a hazard, I say it is only a hazard if you ingest it ( Breath it in, inject it, stick it up your ass, etc etc etc), the EPA and the Government AGREE with ME. Be careful with words, people may actually assume you mean them.


Well-Known Member
The only point I see as well as everyone reading this is your failed attempts to save face...also the fact that you are not man enough to admit error...please learn what ingest means it makes you look foolish to be so old and not understand the meaning...Ingestion is the consumption of a substance by an organism. In animals, it normally is accomplished by taking in the substance through the mouth into the gastrointestinal tract, such as through eating or drinking. Breathing is something different..Breathing is the process that moves air in and out of the lungs..two different fuction of the body...but hey do go on I kind of enjoy when you keep making a fool out of yourself.


Well-Known Member
The only point I see as well as everyone reading this is your failed attempts to save face...also the fact that you are not man enough to admit error...please learn what ingest means it makes you look foolish to be so old and not understand the meaning...Ingestion is the consumption of a substance by an organism. In animals, it normally is accomplished by taking in the substance through the mouth into the gastrointestinal tract, such as through eating or drinking. Breathing is something different..Breathing is the process that moves air in and out of the lungs..two different fuction of the body...but hey do go on I kind of enjoy when you keep making a fool out of yourself.
LOL so now you want to try and debate the meaning of ingest eh? You know, I did give you the definition earlier, I suggest you read it before you look even more the jackass.