a couple of questions for liberals


Well-Known Member
give you idiots a rebate check....im sure a bunch of you idiots ..noooo you fucking moron....YOU DO YOU FUCKING IDIOTS....you stupid union sheep better get ready to starve..ass clowns.....RETARDS...:blsmoke:
another fine conservative representative


New Member
after having read 40-50 of your posts i have decided you are a communist ;)
lol, i love how you keep saying i know nothing about hardships, how many times do i have to say my dad never graduated high school and works at wal-mart in the deli for 8 bucks an hour and my mom delivers pizza and yet i got a job at UPS which paid $2000 a semester for my school. you obviously dont read any posts i make or anyone with any sense and you just spout off crap that you "believe" well i "believe" you as well as most liberals are brainwashed and cant think for themselves :p
Well, you claim to be so fucking smart, why don't you save a few braincells and quit reading my posts. It seems they agitate you and I wouldn't want you to blow a gasket, well maybe I would, but for your own good, just put me on ignore. I can't help the fact that you are a fool and label compassionate people as commies, people that actually care about other people. You can call me commie, OK, I'll just call you asshole, that's what I've decided.


Well-Known Member
Well, you claim to be so fucking smart, why don't you save a few braincells and quit reading my posts. It seems they agitate you and I wouldn't want you to blow a gasket, well maybe I would, but for your own good, just put me on ignore. I can't help the fact that you are a fool and label compassionate people as commies, people that actually care about other people. You can call me commie, OK, I'll just call you asshole, that's what I've decided.
Actually, Med, you give yourself too much credit, Communists actually thought the system they were advocating was going to be good for society. You're just advocating for the system that is giving you hand outs, talking about being self-centered.

Of course, the fact that you paid into it, means that it does owe you (at least what you paid into it, plus interest), but that doesn't mean that the system should be stealing from everyone else to pay for you, and the other people that paid into it.

I can certainly agree that the government owes you, having stolen from you, but what I can't agree with is that there is any justification for the continued existence of the system that screwed you and everyone else over, whether they be people like you who have paid into the corrupt system for years, or people like me that are stuck paying into the system knowing that the damn thing is insolvent and no amount of "fixing" it will succeed.

Government might as well just stop feeding everyone bullshit and abolish Social Security and call the 15% that it collects another tax.

Oh well, sooner or later the government is going to explode, and when it does, I just hope I'm still alive to have a front row seat.


Well-Known Member
the main reason the auto exec's are in washington is for the unions..the dems want to bail out the unions...as soon as the auto companys file bankruptcy..the UNIONS will be broke..no more medical bennies from the car maker..no more retirements ..millions will lose their jobs...if they cant compete they should lose their jobs..the reason the big three are broke is because of the unions looting them....no way..even if congress gives the big three a hundred billion dollars can they survive with the union leech's hanging on their ass's,,what even funnier is democrats past almost all of these free trade agreements and allowed all this illegal imagration that has helped bankrupt themselfs...i for the life of me cant figure out why the unions support democrats? liberals have to be the dumbest people on the planet earth..:blsmoke:

lol. I agree that the unions do make corporations go broke. Its simply not fair what they ask for sometimes. This is America, best man/woman should get the job. Here in Cali, if a teacher has a job at a public school for three years or more, pretty much the only way to fire them is if they commited a crime like molestation or assault. Teachers at public schools here cannot get fired based on performance. That means you can get a teaching job and have your students play blocks all day and you cannot be legally fired. Thats bullshit. And the worst thing is that the real victims are the kids. And people wonder why Cali has some dumbass kids... However, I disagree somewhat about your statment that the Big Three goes bankrupt solely because of the Unions. I think it has alot to do with the Shit cars they make. GM makes such a shitty car, if you gave me a brand new one I would sell it and get something else. And Ford? Hmmm, Henry Ford majored in business, his son majored in Business, his son majored in business.... and Bill Ford, the one thats in now, majored in art. I wouldnt buy a car from that fucker. Ever. So essentialy, from a neutral standpoint, conservatives have a legitimate argument stating that we should just let the companies crash and burn for making shit cars for the past 20 or so years. But thats alot of jobs lost tho.


Well-Known Member
if the republicans were the one's in power..they would be for the auto bail out too...this is going to get ugly..i hope all the UAW members saved some of that jack they been looting from the company..they are going to need it when the big three go down.they are going to lose their retirement's health insurance...ect..ive always drove american and have always been happy with our products..i drive trucks though..and americans have always made the best trucks...


New Member
if the republicans were the one's in power..they would be for the auto bail out too...this is going to get ugly..i hope all the UAW members saved some of that jack they been looting from the company..they are going to need it when the big three go down.they are going to lose their retirement's health insurance...ect..ive always drove american and have always been happy with our products..i drive trucks though..and americans have always made the best trucks...
I think the real looters were the same trio that flew into DC with a tin cup, on their corporate jets. 420, you must be a wannabee.


New Member
Actually, Med, you give yourself too much credit, Communists actually thought the system they were advocating was going to be good for society. You're just advocating for the system that is giving you hand outs, talking about being self-centered.

Of course, the fact that you paid into it, means that it does owe you (at least what you paid into it, plus interest), but that doesn't mean that the system should be stealing from everyone else to pay for you, and the other people that paid into it.

I can certainly agree that the government owes you, having stolen from you, but what I can't agree with is that there is any justification for the continued existence of the system that screwed you and everyone else over, whether they be people like you who have paid into the corrupt system for years, or people like me that are stuck paying into the system knowing that the damn thing is insolvent and no amount of "fixing" it will succeed.

Government might as well just stop feeding everyone bullshit and abolish Social Security and call the 15% that it collects another tax.

Oh well, sooner or later the government is going to explode, and when it does, I just hope I'm still alive to have a front row seat.
Well Brutal, I'm not a commie for starters, lets get that straight, I'm a liberal with socialistic leanings, you probably call that commie, but that doesn't make it so. Now as for SS, yes I earned mine, and everyone that paid into it would have a great retirement if the general fund didn't steal it to make the debt look less. The more people that lose their jobs, the less is paid in, so some of the reduction in solvency can be blamed on current and past administrations that caused job loss, or domestic policy that rewards outsourcing and shipping jobs and factories out of country, nafta, gat etc. As you may have witnessed, a stock account in place of SS would have been a shitty choice if you were retiring today or in the near future, shit happens. If they took off the cap on SS funding and quit using the funds for other things, the fund would become solvent for the ages. In fact, instead of getting the paltry sum I now recieve, I'd probably be getting double.


Well-Known Member
let me see if i can splain some basic math to you medicineuser...man in detroit..makes 60 bucks a hour..man in china makes 50 cents a hour...who you think makum your car cheapest medicineuser?..are you retarded medicineman?dont you understand basic math? didnt you go to school?..so you just think these people.who are in bankruptcy should just be able to shit you a living?because you happen to think they have all the money and they can just GIVE it to you hu?LOL


New Member
lol. I agree that the unions do make corporations go broke. Its simply not fair what they ask for sometimes. This is America, best man/woman should get the job. Here in Cali, if a teacher has a job at a public school for three years or more, pretty much the only way to fire them is if they commited a crime like molestation or assault. Teachers at public schools here cannot get fired based on performance. That means you can get a teaching job and have your students play blocks all day and you cannot be legally fired. Thats bullshit. And the worst thing is that the real victims are the kids. And people wonder why Cali has some dumbass kids... However, I disagree somewhat about your statment that the Big Three goes bankrupt solely because of the Unions. I think it has alot to do with the Shit cars they make. GM makes such a shitty car, if you gave me a brand new one I would sell it and get something else. And Ford? Hmmm, Henry Ford majored in business, his son majored in Business, his son majored in business.... and Bill Ford, the one thats in now, majored in art. I wouldnt buy a car from that fucker. Ever. So essentialy, from a neutral standpoint, conservatives have a legitimate argument stating that we should just let the companies crash and burn for making shit cars for the past 20 or so years. But thats alot of jobs lost tho.
somebody must like those shit cars...ford and GM sold 6.4 million new cars last year.....:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well Brutal, I'm not a commie for starters, lets get that straight, I'm a liberal with socialistic leanings, you probably call that commie, but that doesn't make it so. Now as for SS, yes I earned mine, and everyone that paid into it would have a great retirement if the general fund didn't steal it to make the debt look less. The more people that lose their jobs, the less is paid in, so some of the reduction in solvency can be blamed on current and past administrations that caused job loss, or domestic policy that rewards outsourcing and shipping jobs and factories out of country, nafta, gat etc. As you may have witnessed, a stock account in place of SS would have been a shitty choice if you were retiring today or in the near future, shit happens. If they took off the cap on SS funding and quit using the funds for other things, the fund would become solvent for the ages. In fact, instead of getting the paltry sum I now recieve, I'd probably be getting double.
yea..another fine liberal..we called HIM LBJ..A DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT RAIDED SOCIAL SECURITY ALONG WITH THE REST OF THE DEMS TO PAY FOR VIETNAM...LOL..and they havnt stoped raiding it since..that is your fault to...you are the one who trusts government...not me..i know they are fucking us..i dont want big government..the smaller the government the less they can fuck us.....you on the other hand think government serve's a purpose..its only purpose is to rip US OFF....bongsmilie


New Member
let me see if i can splain some basic math to you medicineuser...man in detroit..makes 60 bucks a hour..man in china makes 50 cents a hour...who you think makum your car cheapest medicineuser?..are you retarded medicineman?dont you understand basic math? didnt you go to school?..so you just think these people.who are in bankruptcy should just be able to shit you a living?because you happen to think they have all the money and they can just GIVE it to you hu?LOL
Hey dorkwad, I'm retired, don't have to work. You on the other hand do, so since you are so enamored with chinamens wages, I suggest you do your company a favor and ask for a reduction in pay untill you can live like a chinaman. Seems like that's what you're advocating, we are all overpaid. So step up and be the first on your block to live on 50cents an hr., thats what you prescribed for others, eh?


New Member
yea..another fine liberal..we called HIM LBJ..A DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT RAIDED SOCIAL SECURITY ALONG WITH THE REST OF THE DEMS TO PAY FOR VIETNAM...LOL..and they havnt stoped raiding it since..that is your fault to...you are the one who trusts government...not me..i know they are fucking us..i dont want big government..the smaller the government the less they can fuck us.....you on the other hand think government serve's a purpose..its only purpose is to rip US OFF....bongsmilie
Government's purpose is to serve the people. They are not doing their job, that's a given. Now how to change it. Well since our only choices are the vote or armed insurection, we vote. We the people have voted Obama in because he promised change. Let us see if he can really pull it off. Maybe it won't be the type of change you like, helping people instead of shitting on their heads, but give him a chance to see if the vote thing works or if we really need armed insurection. My question is what do we get when the insurection is over, IE "meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss".


Well-Known Member
somebody must like those shit cars...ford and GM sold 6.4 million new cars last year.....:eyesmoke:

All new government vehicles bought have to be American cars to support the industry. Still doesnt change the fact that I wouldnt buy a Ford or GM.


New Member
Sweet. I'll bet with a little tweaking, you'd be deep into the 12s. Gonna trade that Impala SS, or keep it for the strip? I'm waiting for the electric car that will run 9s and go 600 miles on one charge, I've seen an electric bike that runs 9s, but for the present, I've got to finish my deuce. At least run some almost 11s or even better almost 10s. If I finish it off right, It should be deep in the 11s. I've got to do some reinforcing on the back half, I really should back half it but money is at a premium. So, I'll just add frame ties and weld in some gussets, and some traction bars. I can just see the rear of the unibody crinkling up and moving forward as I do a 5,000 rpm launch. The fastest I ever went was 150 in the 8s in a blown (Olds) dragster in the 50s (59), what a rush, drove it only one time and never lifted, scared the bejesus out of me.


New Member
Sweet. I'll bet with a little tweaking, you'd be deep into the 12s. Gonna trade that Impala SS, or keep it for the strip? I'm waiting for the electric car that will run 9s and go 600 miles on one charge, I've seen an electric bike that runs 9s, but for the present, I've got to finish my deuce. At least run some almost 11s or even better almost 10s. If I finish it off right, It should be deep in the 11s. I've got to do some reinforcing on the back half, I really should back half it but money is at a premium. So, I'll just add frame ties and weld in some gussets, and some traction bars. I can just see the rear of the unibody crinkling up and moving forward as I do a 5,000 rpm launch. The fastest I ever went was 150 in the 8s in a blown (Olds) dragster in the 50s (59), what a rush, drove it only one time and never lifted, scared the bejesus out of me.
the impala ss only has 46,000 miles on it, I will probably hang on to it. I have a 2004 chevy truck that I am thinking about trading. have you seen the bolt in front clip detroit eng makes for your chevy II? it's pretty cool , rack and pinion, coil overs and disc brakes. I will send you a link so you can check it out....


New Member
Yeah, It's all about the money, something like 4K with all the trimmings. I've installed all new front end components, NOS type, and power Disc front brakes, gotta stop those 130-140 MPH 1/4 mile Blasts, it's the rear suspension I'm concerned about. I have a good rear diff, 8.5 411 posi, but what is keeping it attached to the car with 500HP is the concern. Ya gotta think, A 47 year old car, that could see the north side of 140MPH, may be a little scary in the stopping mode, hell in the 140+ mode period. somewhere around there they require a parachute, definently a roll cage.