A Few Questions To Be Answered (Hopefully)


Active Member
Ok first of all - this will be my first grow so please be patient with me and my seemingly silly questions. I have quite a few but I'd rather ask them now than ask them later on in the process when it may be too late. Without further ado:
1. I'm thinking about buying the "outdoor kit" of seeds and soiltabs and such from nirvana... any suggestions/reviews?
2. Can I use a nearby water source? I may create my own small reservoir but the pH level is what I'm really curious about.
3.Can I order my seeds now and just keep them until I see fit to start germinating?
4. If I don't get this outdoor pack - what are the absolute best beginner accoutrements?
5.I'm growing outdoors in RI... any experience in the area and any tips for new england grows?

Thanks A ton in advance


Active Member
1. No personal experience with them but Probably a waste of money. Just put seeds in soil and water them, they will grow naturally
2.River water is good, idk about the pH. It should be better than tap water though, especially if you can collect straight rain water
3. Yes, but dont keep them for too long, seeds dont really go bad unless it is a really long time
4. Dont know what your asking. If youre talkin about the seed pack with 2 types of seeds, i was looking at that too, but decided to pick my own strains that fit my needs, dont buy those just for the discount without knowing what youre buying.
5. Im on east coast, no real advice on climate, dont put plants outside til may, earlier might cause them to flower due to the light schedule

Hope this helps


Active Member
Thanks a ton! It does help very much thank you. I'm also wondering when I should germinate.. I can only keep the plants in my house for a small amount of time. And my accoutrements I mean all the trappings of the outdoor grow I.E. soil,fertilizers etc...


Active Member
If you have a light inside (a cfl lightbulb three inches from the plants will do), you can start you seeds about one month before you want to go outside, giving them a good start. If you do this put a fan in your setup to provide "wind" that will strengthen your stems to get them ready for outdoors. Also, when getting close to taking them to the spot, put them outside a couple hours each day to get them used to the wild. Germinating inside will be the best thing you can do for the plants to give them a strong healthy start.

For soil and ferts, you have some decisions to make. You can buy soil with nutrients already in it (fox farm ocean forest is the best), or you can by soil or a growing medium(peat moss, etc is considered soilless) and add your own nutrients to that. These can be nutrients you put in the soil (worm castings, guano, etc if going organic), or you can add liquid ferts to your water such as the fox farm liquid nutrient trio. A lot of research will help. Rollitup is a good plqce, but most posts are pretty specifc so its hard to find broad, useful information. Meet your best friend google.


Active Member
Well, I don't have exactly a free roam setup. I have to hide it somewhere due to parents. I have some old computer towers I may use but with 10 plants idk how well that'll work. How big do they get after a month or so?


Active Member
Well, I don't have exactly a free roam setup. I have to hide it somewhere due to parents. I have some old computer towers I may use but with 10 plants idk how well that'll work. How big do they get after a month or so?
After a month with 2 cfls (Daylight, 6500 kelvin) each plant, you should have around a 12" plant - plus container height. Make sure to give them the day length that approximates the day length of your proposed transplant date to the outdoors.

Good luck and have fun,

P.S., Search this site for 'soil mix' and/or 'fertilizer mix', you'll be reading all night......


Active Member
Thanks a ton I appreciate all the positive feedback. I'll check that out tonight. I'm sure I'll start a journal of my progress with lots of pictures... I know everyone on forums love to see pictures haha.


Active Member
Does anyone think it'd be a good idea to germinate and grow the first few weeks of my seeds in a stealth box created from an old computer tower? I haven't much experience but I've looked up tons and tons of info - all adding up to a jumble of different opinions.


Active Member
Quick question - what do I do if I want to plant directly into the ground? I assume i dig a fairly large hole but what do I do for the soil?