A freaking answer would be appreciated!!!!


Active Member
yeah that was a personal attack, sorry i broke the rules guys.... it was a joke about fdd's awsomeness.. this isn't me beeing an ass-whiper or whater grow space reffered to me as.. im just going off the godly stature of his grows, and knowlage about cultivation.. i mean shit anyone else make there own strains that EVERYONE wants to get some clones of?

either way ive already adressed all the questioned he had, and tried to be as helpful as possible, some people can't take a joke though, which is ironic how this is a forum on weed.

But owell atleast im man enough to say YEAH it was a personal attack and not that no ones names where mentioned.. even though i was quoted...

toke on everyone, and keep us updated on this grow... you said you got pics on a cam.. lets see themmm


Active Member
What a rude SOB! Read the FAQ. Search. All these questions have been asked. Try searching instead of being a rude bully with all your firepower.


New Member
You dont mean me do you? I wasnt trying to personally attack anyone! i dont claim to be the smartest person when it comes to cultivation. I certainly dont want people squabbling over something that i said or started...I guess from now on, i can just browse the forums for days to scrape up enough collective knowledge and hopefully piece together a legit answer for any future questions.
I just got back from the headshop where i picked up my very first vaporizer!!! The first two hits i took were WAY too big and i threw up a lil bit of water i chugged once i got home. Ahh, the good ol rookie times when we used to cough so bad that we puked or had water pouring out our eyes, snot running out our nose and drool dangling from our lips! I forgot how smoothly the vape hits and that you take small puffs and not huge rips! Im gonna have my girlfriend try to make some edibles with the leftover greens from the vape. Its called an EZ Vape w/ Digital Meter, nothing really fancy but definately worth the final piece in my collection. Im still taking pics and video of the grow setup even though i dont have a cable, but i promise i will get them up and running soon!


New Member
this site does not guarantee replys.
No worries my friend. Nice AR in your avatar. What make/model is it? I just picked up a Stag Arms Model 3 flat-top M4 carbine. My old man is gonna pickup two new complete uppers in 6.8SPC caliber once they get back in town. Its good to see another firearms fanatic..


Well-Known Member
No worries my friend. Nice AR in your avatar. What make/model is it? I just picked up a Stag Arms Model 3 flat-top M4 carbine. My old man is gonna pickup two new complete uppers in 6.8SPC caliber once they get back in town. Its good to see another firearms fanatic..

cmmg lower with stag upper and eotech 512, i just sold my 608 upper, that ammo is too expensive. What state are you in, friend request inbound!


Active Member
"I guess from now on, i can just browse the forums for days to scrape up enough collective knowledge and hopefully piece together a legit answer for any future questions."

Use the search function at the top of the page where it tells you if you are logged in or not. Saves a LOT of time.


Well-Known Member
This thread is terrible. Definitely not the way to ask for information, or to give it.


Active Member
yes that will be the first internode......no flir problems with CFL's... try Thermal Sheild... a type of mylar that absorbs heat


Well-Known Member
good place in these parts. Takes a bit to understand the forum but most everyone is here to help for sure. I noticed most not answered threads are due to newbe questions that have been answered multiple times if the beginner put some effort into that section. All kidding aside guy, cfls are the same lights you use in your house so unless your using 20 of them in one room your lighting your house. even small/med. up to 400 watt hps look like house lights. In the play room the 4 lights add up to over 400 watts so lighting the playroom shows more then the 400 watt hps..and thats without aircool hood....

People are almost always busted by talking to people about the hobby.......thats why this site is the best...

grow space

Well-Known Member
yeah that was a personal attack, sorry i broke the rules guys.... it was a joke about fdd's awsomeness.. this isn't me beeing an ass-whiper or whater grow space reffered to me as.. im just going off the godly stature of his grows, and knowlage about cultivation.. i mean shit anyone else make there own strains that EVERYONE wants to get some clones of?

either way ive already adressed all the questioned he had, and tried to be as helpful as possible, some people can't take a joke though, which is ironic how this is a forum on weed.

But owell atleast im man enough to say YEAH it was a personal attack and not that no ones names where mentioned.. even though i was quoted...

toke on everyone, and keep us updated on this grow... you said you got pics on a cam.. lets see themmm
you can try to talk your away out of this shit but your still a ass whiper;) lol


Well-Known Member
He maded to the community?????WTF dude-hes already in the community!!!!I hate your kind of people-f***** ass whipers.:peace:

I am glad you got some answers to your relatively simple questions. The only answer you really need right now though is..............read the FAQ.

Buy a Marijuana Horticulture Book or 2 or 3 and educate yourself. Nothing in life is free. You can't expect to join a forum, ask VERY basic questions and get everyone to come in and hold your hand on growing plants. Your questions make it very clear that you haven't done the proper amount of learning/reading and groundwork. At the rate that you are asking questions you will ask at least 1000 questions on your first grow and definitely kill your plants.

Educate yourself, take it upon yourself to learn and don't act as if it's the duty of a MJ growing community to walk you through the process.

If you are serious enough about growing MJ you will find your OWN first post very, very humerous in 12 months. That is if you take the time to understand and to learn all about it.

What a rude SOB! Read the FAQ. Search. All these questions have been asked. Try searching instead of being a rude bully with all your firepower.



Well-Known Member
I don't understand your question about the leaves. The leaves grow more and more blades as the plant matures - I don't get the question.

As for the "ghetto birds" They use thermal imaging which detects radiant heat. Home Depot or Lowes sells Reflectix which is a rolled insulation that is an aluminum foil coated bubble wrap. Thermal imaging can't see through aluminum. Also, you can run a 1000W HPS during the day in the summer because they can't see through a hot roof either. At night they can clearly see the heat from your body but I doubt they could identify a CFL from a standard light anyone would have in their house. But if you go with 4 HIDs I'd put Reflectix in the attic and on all the walls.


Well-Known Member
looooooooooool its spelled ass wipers for the 15. time !
hahahaha funny as hell man :D


Well-Known Member
""I noticed the distance from the small round leaves on two of my new seedlings, are different from the next new set of actual leaves growing off the main stem (the internode?).""

those first leaves are called Petioles and they are small and round, they will turn brown, shrivel up and fall off. TOTALLY NORMAL. Your next set of leaves are "True" leaves and you needn't worry about tyhe space between the petioles and the true leaves, just true to true is all. More light will make them not stretch as much.


Well-Known Member
""I noticed the distance from the small round leaves on two of my new seedlings, are different from the next new set of actual leaves growing off the main stem (the internode?).""

those first leaves are called Petioles and they are small and round, they will turn brown, shrivel up and fall off. TOTALLY NORMAL. Your next set of leaves are "True" leaves and you needn't worry about tyhe space between the petioles and the true leaves, just true to true is all. More light will make them not stretch as much.

wrong. :cry:



New Member
Excellent info everybody! I think my grow is going great so far! I originally started my two older sprouts in the local nursery mix soil that i have been using for all the culinary herbs and spices. But i switched out the older soil with Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil mix and they seem to have shown a positive response overnight! Im still kinda bummed about losing my fourth seedling to my little kitten. She is still too young to know what she did, so i take it as a part of the natural selection process lol. No worries though, i still have three more. And this brand new vaporizer certainly helps me forget my tragic loss.
I feel bad about my title for this post and the way it may have came across, so i probably wont be posting anymore on this one. I will, however, check it out from time to time. Thanks again everybody for your help. My sense of urgency was answered swiftly. Im sure i will be talking to you all again in some other thread. But i will be sure to browse the forums long enough to see that my question hasnt already been answered.