a lil timing problem


Active Member
well 2day i went out fishing an when i came bak my light was off in my grow closet for about an hour or an hr an a half an they are in the flowering stage an the light was spose to be on i turned the light bak on to finish the light cycle will this effect the flowering process???


Well-Known Member
It takes more than that to fuck your plants up.. If it you were right everyone would be fucked by one power outage.. Don't worry about it



Active Member
ok thanks man i thought this woulda messed up the flowering cuz i know i heard if u mess up the 12/12 timing itl probably switch bak to veg stage


Well-Known Member
Nah.. even if it does, it'll switch back to flowering if you keep the lights consistent at 12/12 again



Active Member
ok thanks again man... an im lst'n my plant too and there are leaves starting to pop out the sides where i bent it will this turn into buds or jus more branches?? i jus started flowering 3 days ago so idek if its a female yet the plants about a month old had to flower cuz of lack of space


Well-Known Member
more branches --> more buds :)

also, you should have lst'd during veg. the plants get woody and stuff and it will be more difficult to bend without breaking your branches so be careful



Active Member
i started when they were vegging im jus saying that im doin the method an it looks like more leaves are popping out the sides cuz i did clip like 2 of the sun leaves because they had brown spots on em an didnt want it 2 spred so i clipped them


Active Member
also like i do have a timer an like what if it turned off for that hour an a half everyday sense i started flowering its only been 5 days now ..good thing i noticed it tho but like for those 2 days if its been doin that would the effect the flowering??