A little known fact about me, thread.


Active Member
i saw the leprechaun at mobile, alabama.




Well-Known Member
Little known fact about me. My 3 best friends during middle school on one of the last days of middle school stole all my cd's and said the only reason they hung out with me was because we could do whatever we wanted at my parents house and I was too nice for my own good. I started high school with 0 friends. 13 years later.. 2 are junkies and one died in Iraq. And I found the best friends anyone can ask for in high school and we still talk and see each other whenever we can.


Well-Known Member
1. GEEWHIZ you really are the shiz... That video is fucking hilarious. check out the huntsville rapist too.

2. I used to be ranked 15th in the nation at the 110 meter high hurdles in high school.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Kinda almost gross me out....it's strange and I don't know why, they just do.
lol I know a girl who goes crazy if I touch her with cotton.She says it makes her blood cold and she tenses up.

anyway Im terrified of heights and spiders.My biggest fear is getting bit by a brown recluse spider on top the empire state building.