A Little Kushy Auto- Femizied


Active Member
Alright received the seed. I have it germinating now. Once germinated, she is going straight outside in a large pot with a cleome plant a Lilly and a couple small basil plants. Any advice for keeping it alive outdoors from seed is much appreciated. I work nine to five every day and it gets pretty hot here. I guess to sprinkle it every morning should be sufficient. Germinating Now, planting when I get home tonight because my seed sunk this morning so I am planning on it having a taproot when i arrive, (Hopefully). How is the best way to keep it alive during the day when I am not there. I will also be out of town for about a week next week but will have my wife water the garden.



Active Member
Over one hundred views in less than an hour and no help. I can't find much on the net specific to my situation. It's June and hot out but a lot of rain in the forecast. I think I will plant under a few tomatoes for the time being while I am away so they don't cook an then move to my desired location when I get home. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
i lost a few seeds today because of the heat wave that is coming in and they just barely popped out yesterday . like you said putting them under some plants or in a shady area till they get bigger would be good, just watch out for hot days an you should be fine. i read your last comment an you seem to know where your at, like you said you don't want them too cook and then later move to your desired location. 2 of my seeds made it but 3 wilted, i think the 2 that took the heat were in more shade. i brought them home now cause its going to get really hot in the next few days i will bring them back out once the temperature goes back to the double digits and leave them under my bigger plants where its shady

hope this helps


Active Member
Excellent Advice and thank you very much. i soaked the seed for 24 hours, she sunk but no tap root (rather small seed so I am hoping its viable) Planted in final container on deck. hoping it sprouts before I leave on Tuesday so that I can know how to handle when i am gone. or at least get it the love it needs before I am gone.


Active Member
Cant Grow indoors anymore. Wife wont allow it and nosey step daughter pinches off of them when I do. So I am concealing it outside this year.


Auto don't like to be transplated , I'd place it outside in a shady spot for a week to harder it off then it will be able to adapt outdoors and thrive . Birds will try to eat a 3-4 day seedling so be cautious .


Active Member
Yeah. Its already planted in its final container. I soaked it for 24 hours, she sunk but no taproot. Its outside in the humidity now. Just crossing my fingers she will actually germinate and sprout. What do you think


Active Member
Auto don't like to be transplated , I'd place it outside in a shady spot for a week to harder it off then it will be able to adapt outdoors and thrive . Birds will try to eat a 3-4 day seedling so be cautious .
Yeah. Its already planted in its final container. I soaked it for 24 hours, she sunk but no taproot. Its outside in the humidity now. Just crossing my fingers she will actually germinate and sprout. What do you think


Active Member
Okay. We have germination. After not seeing any action for a day n a half, I decided to dig up the bean in one scoop with a table spoon. Found the bean with a nice half inch tail. Place back in the hole, a little further up. Looking forward to this baby sprouting.

Will post picks if she takes.


Active Member
Whala. We have a sprout. Didn't think this seed would germinate but she did. Three days total. Nice healthy sprout. Humid today with mild sun and some small showers. I think it's the best for this baby girl. She sshould do fine. Will post in a couple days. I'm out if town Wednesday through Sunday. Any thoughts on how to care for her while I am away?


Active Member
I hate to break it to you. But growing autos outdoor just doesn't work well. You will likely get a small plant under 1 ft in height with a very small amount of dried goods. Quality may be decent, but keep your expectations low.


Active Member
Haven't set expectations high at all. I will be proud of a nine inch plant. Average for lowryder is 12-16. If I pull twelve inches I will be very happy. I want it small for concealing its identity. Not breaking anything to me at all, I'm aware if this and excited about it. It's the art if growing plants that I love and if I can vape it, Alright.


Active Member
Will keep this thread going throughout this grow. We shall see what we turn up. First outdoor grow. I just simply cannot grow inside anymore until my stepdaughter moves out.
Alright received the seed. I have it germinating now. Once germinated, she is going straight outside in a large pot with a cleome plant a Lilly and a couple small basil plants. Any advice for keeping it alive outdoors from seed is much appreciated. I work nine to five every day and it gets pretty hot here. I guess to sprinkle it every morning should be sufficient. Germinating Now, planting when I get home tonight because my seed sunk this morning so I am planning on it having a taproot when i arrive, (Hopefully). How is the best way to keep it alive during the day when I am not there. I will also be out of town for about a week next week but will have my wife water the garden.


Let them sit inside for at least a week or so until its stable enough, also do not over water either water them just 2 or 3 times a week depending on the temperature outside.


Active Member
Let them sit inside for at least a week or so until its stable enough, also do not over water either water them just 2 or 3 times a week depending on the temperature outside.
Cant do inside. Also the water two to three times a week is right on point. With expected rain as it has been I won't need to worry when I am out of town. Told the wife to water the garden lightly in the mornings but starting tomorrow no water at all in the garden. I will keep an eye on things while away. Right now I stuck a little bottom of a later bottle to protect from outdoor pests tonight because I spotted a slug. Poured beer in little candle holders to distract them. They love beer.

Keep the thread moving everyone lets chat.


Active Member
Sounds like you have a wife that is calling the shots. Sad situation.

Either way. If your growing outside. An auto is 100% a waste of time. People that grow to even get this small of an amount will likely pinch portions or even dry it too fast. It just doesn't end up working out all around. Good luck though.


Active Member
Sounds like you have a wife that is calling the shots. Sad situation.

Either way. If your growing outside. An auto is 100% a waste of time. People that grow to even get this small of an amount will likely pinch portions or even dry it too fast. It just doesn't end up working out all around. Good luck though.
It is sad when you have a bitch step daughter who invades grow areas and pinches leaves off. Can't really hide it well indoors. Wife doesn't mind I just don't want to deal with my step daughters CONIVING ways. Not going to pinch off this and will dry correctly. Looking forward to it.