A Little SOG Help... (long)


Active Member
About day 35 through veg (45 day veg), the hood to our 1000w dropped on one of our plants and sheared off about 5 side branches....

Having a 30 site EZ Cloner sitting around, we were able to get it started immediately and turn those side branches into formidable clones after 5-6 days (the ez cloner is amazing).

Well that same plant that was sheared is about 10 days from being done... which would make it about a 50day flowering plant, which is awesome. Its very very dense and pretty thick. I don't think it grew completely to its potential because it started to show a little hermie at about day 30 of flower... not much, but you could see the seed bananas come out a little bit. We have essentially narrowed it down to a slight overfeeding of dry kool bloom, which we have been feeding it since day 7 or so of flower. After much reading I have realized that maybe feeding dry kool bloom the entire flowering period is not a good idea because it is mainly used for the end of flower because it stresses the plant to swell the brachts and it is very easy to stress a plant into hermie.

So, flash back to the 5 clones we took about 40 days ago.... we stuck 2 of the 5 into flowering, and they have been going for about 15 days, and look just fantastic.... whatever strain this is... it will be awesome to smoke... its turning very purple at day 40 and has around 10 days left, and it just looking like awesome bud. (pics to come)

Here is where my question comes in...

So we built a mother chamber where we will house the 3 mothers under a 400w hortilux. We have 2 liter fresca bottles that will be our growing pots for this sog.

The plan is to take the cuttings and get them rooted in the ez cloner... which generally takes about 6-9 days, and then throw them in the 2 liter bottles.

My questions are...

1. How long should we veg the clones before throwing them into flower? We have a seperate cab with 2- 125w CFLS that can fit about 20-2liters at a time, I only think we will eventually take about 12 at a time from the 3 mothers, so veg space is not a problem.

Our flowering room has a 1000w hortilux superhps and a 400w hortilux... its 6x4... at first we were hanging the light horizontally with a standard batwing hood... but for the past 2 weeks we have hung it vertically... and its hard to see a real noticeable difference, but I think the room is better suited for vertical.

However, when we start these clones in the 2 liter bottles, I am wondering if we are best off doing a stadium style grow, much like fdd ( https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/166743-pull-up-seat-theres-room.html )... or just having a shit load of 2 liter bottles all across the floor.

My last, and more important question is... what line of nutes should we use for this very quick flowering indica dom plant. I really want to try something different than just straigh kool bloom the entire time, and I would love some suggestions for this upcoming sog we are going to do. I want to get reallly fat buds and get the most out of the light we are using.

We are growing in pro-mix, which from what I'm told is like growing in nothing because there is no nutrient value in promix, its purely a growing medium.

So please, can someone recommend a very good set of nutrients for this upcoming sog?

I will post pictures either today or tomorrow of the complete setup.
