A Mandala summer


Well-Known Member
Thanks! :)

Nice plants btw, what are you growing?
I'm growing a few different strains but the only ones that have shown the purple trait have been the only 2 bagseeds I'm growing (I suspect the two seeds were from the same weed). I hypothesize that this form of purpling may be the result of certain soil/temperature conditions combined with a genetic predisposition to tha purps which some strains have.


Well-Known Member
Hey friends!

Sorry for the lack of updates, but here is one.

Here's a view of the family



Stretchy Kalichakra:




Multi-arm Ganesh (with Satori on the left):


Family shot:


To recap, planted from seed mid-May in big pots full of Pro-Mix, no nutes at all throughout, watered maybe twice in June and then only rain. From 5 seeds, only Beyond The Brain turned out to be male. All were lst'd, and I harvested Ganesh yesterday!

Here's a few pics of the 5 big colas and a box full of buds:



She smells really green and "clean", almost like detergent. Can't wait to try her ass in a bowl in a few weeks :) I'll let you know how she fares and how much I yielded dry. Tata for now


New Member
Hey my first post on this, or any grow site. I am inexperienced in this field, my only experience being helping a friend with quite a large medical operation for a few cycles (crazy good quality im talking primo but drowned in artificial newts and poison aka pesticide), and im planning an organic greenhouse grow in a very inhospitable central OR mountain climate where it can lightly frost any night (though very rarely). It must be organic and self sufficient, as I am disgusted by my prior experience with someone whose philosophy is to throw money and chemicals at the plants instead of effort (no offense to non-organic growers, this guy was just really bad) despite the great product. I would want to go hardcore self sufficient and organic, im talking homemade fish emulsions (as a flyfisherman i release whitefish by the dozens weekly as a by-catch when trout fishing), homemade bone meal soil mix in, homemade kelp/seaweed/molasses tea, worm casing, and my own soil mix with crushed lava rock or pumice collected for free in place of perlite, im an obsessive researcher ;). Mandala seeds seem like a perfect match for me with their general philosophy, preference for organics, and hardyness for tough outdoor conditions. As for the greenhouse i want to avoid heating or cooling it at all costs by using some unconventional methods which i have decided upon through more obsessive research. I would dig into the ground, anywhere from 4 to 6 feet, add an insulated glass roof steeply angled for overwintering's copious snow, add a cold sink (big trough dug down to cycle air passively), and add a bunch of black 55 gallon drums on the N wall to collect heat in the day and release it at night. Ive also researched using a fresnel (sp?) Lense (homemade from old tv lenses) to focus light onto the barrels to heat them further (they can supposedly boil water if fine-tuned enough). The last freeze is typically in june and the first in october =O with temps commonly going down into the low 40's at night during our 70 or so days of growing season and summer daytime temps reaching into 90+. Digging deep into the ground will keep it warmer during the cold night and cooler during hot summer days, the cold sink will circulate air, and the barrels will heat at night during colder times and cool during hot days. After researching on mandalas website, im sold on their Mandala #1 and possibly their hashberry and purple paro valley over all other strains and seed companies. Mandala seems legit, especially in comparison to the rediculous claims and immature mentality of other seed companies. I know that they are likely a bit more variable on phenos and more "landracey" than the steroid infused frankenplants ive worked with but the hardyness, heat tolerance, and healthy genetics seem like my best bet for such extreme (in terms of cannabis cultivation) conditions. Do i stand a chance? Any tips on greenhouse techniques, or am i just gonna have to bite the bullet and but a fan and heater in? And what mandala strains (or any other seed company) do you recomend for these greenhouse outdoor conditions? How big can i expect mandala #1 to get outdoor fueled on limitless fish emulsions? And im not willing to do autoflowers, earlies, or any ruddie strains, as i am limited to 6 mature plants (ommp) and want some monster whopping outdoor beasts. Any info is greatly apreciated. Thanks =}


New Member
Sorry to revive an old thread / hijack it from clink, but you guys seem to be knowledgeable when it comes to mandalas and organic (especially clink). Tell me how your mandalas turned out too, im very interested


Well-Known Member
also interested
they looked GORGEOUS - esp. for no food at all
and ive got a little purple paro going right now