a minor question plz


Active Member
i jus started flowering 3 days ago so idek if i have a female yet the plants about a month old had to flower cuz of lack of space im lst'n my plant and there are leaves starting to pop out the sides where i bent it will this turn into buds or jus more branches??


Well-Known Member
i jus started flowering 3 days ago so idek if i have a female yet the plants about a month old had to flower cuz of lack of space im lst'n my plant and there are leaves starting to pop out the sides where i bent it will this turn into buds or jus more branches??
Without a picture I can't really help you with determining the sex. I would go to google and type in female cannabis nodes, and compare those pictures to your plants and that should tell you the sex. If you don't have a female or male nodes than it might not have shown it's sex yet. The only thing is if the plant is only a month old and you just started to flower it probably hasn't shown its sex yet. Pictures would be a great help for me to help you.


Well-Known Member
they could be but ..they look like older lower branches you have cut or have dropped off.but yeah all your side shoot will grow up


Active Member
ok thanks man i also have a question about timing say if u have it on 12/12 like 11am to 11pm could i switch it to say 7am to 7pm?? or would that jus put 2 much stress on it? cuz i would like to keep an eye on it in the mornings b4 school starts....

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
you sound like a minor too.... are you old enough to be in here? Moderator?? Is this late for the 5th grade with his Charlie Brown Christmas Tree? Ha ha ha I do not know what got into me there I am usually very helpful. Ok here is some help.... when you do something 36 hours in a row she or he will then take that as a real cycle.
Get it?
3 days of the same thing is what then they think is what is going on in the world or their world. You have an immature plant because the Plants nodes or branch spacings (what looks to me) as even across from each other... Notice the Older plants in pics--- if you cruise thru here and you will note the branches are staggered on the mature ready to flower. Like being old enough to be in here. Stop it--- Ok, I will. Sorry. So I hope that helps and usually about 15 inches tall from the dirt line to the top and uneven branches would be the soonest for a decent yeild for the squeeze or work.



Active Member
im accually 19 i fucked up in school so now im going back to get my last 4 credits so i can graduate...an the only reason i started flowering i know theyre are still immature but i have no room its in a 18.5"x15.5" cabinet thing this my 1st grow so its more of an experimental grow...also thanks for your help i wont change the cycle...this is a stoooopid question but how much bud do u think ill get from jus this plant?? :weed: if its a female i should know within the next couple days i hope...