Thank you for this lovely journey you let us be apart of.
You have inspired me to do some of my own growing next year.
thank you for your concern kkkllol, i get a little defensive when i think about a flaw in my grow (its normal haha....)
i cant really do anything about the trail, but i will be making sure that it is as least obvious as possible from the sky as i can. really, if a helicopter goes over the site, the chances are pretty slim that it will miss it so its kind of an all or nothing thing
next visit though, i will be doing a lot of trail maintenance if you know what i mean. i have a few bottles that need to be brought back and recycled because those are the dead giveaways for heli's
d i t t o .... ???what are you talking about?
dude this isnt a video game when people give you shit for being a noob... hahaha... i still think i am the one that invented the pwned thing...
I had a faulty keyboard that would have the o kinda hard to click on... and i would always tell people pwned way back in delta force 1 days.... of course... who can believe me...
lol... sorry still getting the vaporizer down.... just disregard.WHAT?you guys are fucking weird. what the fuck are you talking about dude?