A noob with a couple questions...


Hey guys!
(just 4 common knowledge)Could the amount of branches affect the amount of roots or vice versa? ... 1st time grower right herrr. I've got a foot tall untopped g13 branchin all over the place, in a used coffee ground/ catcus palm & citrus soil mixture under a 2700k CFL in a @3 gallon pot. No Nutes(still learning about those) Its thirsty plant! ... Can I start cloning now or wait? . . . Not tryin 2 do anything fancy, just goin with the grow. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
rule of thumb is that size of roots is = to hieght of plant

I started cloning after 5th week

if you are veg'ing your light is wrong should be 6500K, if your flowering your good but note that cloning from flower takes longer


Right on. Now 4 sum dummie questions; Why veg? Benifits of veggin? Wut r the visable/ physical differences between veg & flowering stages? ... More 2 come . . .


Well-Known Member
benefits of a vegitation stage of your plant = bigger plant before forced flowering and more bud sites= more bud. That's about it. Also, when you veg a plant to maturity, you're giving it a chance to fully express it's genetics which will make for a stronger more stable plant assuming that it's already a stable strain.


Earlier this afternoon I picked up a couple of 6500k CFL. After being under this light after a few hours 2nite, I noticed bigtime that this light makes a big difference compared 2 the 2700k. Wow. The leaves were wide open.


Low budget baller back with a question; G13 veggin. My 2 6500k Daylight CFL's are 10w a piece(above) & I now have a Sylvania 120w spot gro(at the side(plant's gets 1/4 turn every 2hrs) . . . I just came across 2 5000k 25w Sunshine "mid-day sunlight" CFL's, would do any better 4 veggin??? ... Plant is @ 15" tall and still getting taller but the last 2" haven't been branching only random leaves, nothing's changed except outside temp(gettin cold in Nor*Cal). Is the outside temp causing the lack of branching??


When I cut the clone from the plant, should i cover the cut on the plant(with cloning gel or something?) or just let it heal?


Well-Known Member
blooming depends on strain: indica or sativa. more or less 7 to 10 weeks or 10 to 13. vegging is really up to u. longer u veg bigger the plant. if uve got a restricted grow space remember that when u change to flower it can double and sometimes treble in height. i veg for 4 to 5 week but its up to you.


Active Member
put the cloning gel on the tip of the clone not the site you took it from. clone as early as you can cut six inch clones that way if your clones die (and they might since this is your first time) you can take more before you start flowering.


What is "F.M.I."? I've read the slang thread and read people refering 2 "FMI-ing" their plant.... Is it topping the plant? What is the benifit of topping and what's the correct way 2 do it?


Well-Known Member
rule of thumb is that size of roots is = to hieght of plant

I started cloning after 5th week

if you are veg'ing your light is wrong should be 6500K, if your flowering your good but note that cloning from flower takes longer

Dude, I think you're thinking of trees with the roots, and with trees the root is twice as deep as the tree is tall. (check the pic) That plant was about 2" tall at the time, roots were about 1/4".

You're right about the lights, but wrong about cloning after flower. If you do that you're regenerating and you're going to loose some potency.

Giving bad info is worse than giving no info at all.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys!
(just 4 common knowledge)Could the amount of branches affect the amount of roots or vice versa? ... 1st time grower right herrr. I've got a foot tall untopped g13 branchin all over the place, in a used coffee ground/ catcus palm & citrus soil mixture under a 2700k CFL in a @3 gallon pot. No Nutes(still learning about those) Its thirsty plant! ... Can I start cloning now or wait? . . . Not tryin 2 do anything fancy, just goin with the grow. Thanks.
Not sure about the percentage relation between roots and branches. But you of course need a better root system to support a bigger plant. And with a better root system you're plant will be healthier.

As far as nutes, here's a chart with the absorption rate of all the nutes at the different pH levels. The first 3 are considered "major" nutes and the rest are considered "minor" nutes.

There's only one line that I've found (and I just found it) that give you all of the major & minor nutes. http://dyna-gro.com/

Also, you want your soil to have a pH of between 6.5 & 7. Electronic pH testers are the best but if money is an issue you can get a probe type dirt pH tester from Home Depot or Lowes for around $10. They're not as accurate, but it's better than nothing. Wet the soil with Distilled water an hour before testing and allow the probe to sit in the dirt for 5 minutes of so, it needs time to calibrate itself.

Water should be pHed between 6 & 7, most (including me) say 6.3 to 6.5 are the best range, others like 7.0 better.

Hope that helps some.


Well-Known Member
Right on. Now 4 sum dummie questions; Why veg? Benifits of veggin? Wut r the visable/ physical differences between veg & flowering stages? ... More 2 come . . .

When you flower your plant will increase in size from 2x to 3x. So the bigger you get it during veg the bigger it will be at harvest.

You can veg an indefinate period of time to grow the plant nice and big.

You can't flower for an indefinate period of time. You should harvest when you see the tricombes get 50% foggy or amber in color. (you can get a cheap 30x or 60x pocket microscope from Radio Shack - It also comes in handy for seeing and identifying insects & larvae). You can keep flowering beyond this point but at some point your plant will tell you she's had enough and she'll begin to die. So once you start flowering you have a set ammount of time before you have to forrest.

How long plants can flower changes for many different reasons starting with strain & genetics.

BTW, I like the way you think, asking a lot of good questions. +rep for you.


Well-Known Member
Earlier this afternoon I picked up a couple of 6500k CFL. After being under this light after a few hours 2nite, I noticed bigtime that this light makes a big difference compared 2 the 2700k. Wow. The leaves were wide open.
Yeah, light's very important. You should also keep your 2700k on. The plant doesn't get much from that spectrum but it does get a little. And that's a spectrum your other lights can't supply.

When flowering you'll want to use 2700k to simulate the weaker fall & winter light. But you should also mix in a few 6500s for the same reason that you'll want the 2700 mixed in with the two 6500 during veg.


Well-Known Member
Wuts an average length of time(weeks, months) 4 vegging & blooming?
That depends on what you want from your grow. If you have any kind of time scedule in your life, that may dictate it. If you want huge plants, then you'll want to veg longer. If you want a new harvest every 2 months, then you'll want to go into a crop rotation (plant(s) vegging 2 months while other plant(s) flower for 2 months. When you harvest the one(s) in flower you move the one that was vegging into flower and put a new seeling(s) or clone(s) into veg.)

Does the amount of branches take away from the height?
Not sure about that, but the number of smaller buds take away from your main Cola. Many people trim the bottom branches off before flower to give more of the plants energy to the Cola


Well-Known Member
Low budget baller back with a question; G13 veggin. My 2 6500k Daylight CFL's are 10w a piece(above) & I now have a Sylvania 120w spot gro(at the side(plant's gets 1/4 turn every 2hrs) . . . I just came across 2 5000k 25w Sunshine "mid-day sunlight" CFL's, would do any better 4 veggin??? ... Plant is @ 15" tall and still getting taller but the last 2" haven't been branching only random leaves, nothing's changed except outside temp(gettin cold in Nor*Cal). Is the outside temp causing the lack of branching??

You need 2700k to flower and 5000 k to 6500k, so that 5000k bulb would be ok.

If you're willing to spend this much on lights you might want to consider a High Pressure Sodium and if you want to go all out you can also get a Metal Halide. MH for veg, HPS for flower. Your plant will get much bigger.

You're plant is slowing down because she needs more light. I think there's a "plant surface area to CFL watt" formula posted on Seymour Buds thread. His thread is papercliped in the CFL threads.


Well-Known Member
When I cut the clone from the plant, should i cover the cut on the plant(with cloning gel or something?) or just let it heal?

When you cut a clone put the cut under water right away. If you leave it exposed to air too long it will form an air bubble which will keep it from rooting.

I use rooting powder and it's a pain in the ass. You might want to try the rooting hormone gel, probably a lot less messy. This will help your success rate.

So in one fluid motion take her out of the water, dip her in rooting hormone, and plant it into a cube or dirt. If you're using dirt make sure to poke a hole in the dirt with a pencil or something before you take the clipping out of the water. Then water and put her in a humidity dome.

You want a clipping with a node above ground, and I've been told your success will be better if you also have a node underground with the branch clipped off.