A Planet in Crisis...


Well-Known Member
And for those of you who may not know who Tom Daschle is, he was that Senate Majority leader, during Bush' 1st term as POTUS, from South Dakota. What's one of the biggest agricultural products of South Dakota? Corn...Tom Daschle has always been a major proponent for subsidizing corn growers for ethanol production. Doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to connect the dots here folks.


New Member
Excellent posts, Dave.

Now then Med ... How about listing YOUR solutions? And along with the solutions, please explain how capping food and gasoline prices will insure a bountiful supply of both. Thanks ...



Well-Known Member
Are you for real. Did you even see the movie "an inconvient truth" or are you just sitting in your closet bitching about the impending meltdown that really isn't mans fault. Hey, as long as you can have lights, gas and comfort, fuck the world, right Vi?
your going to take what a politician says as actual facts? tisk tisk...i know your smarter than than that med.. "an inconvenient truth" is a scare tactic to induce a global co2 tax to help throw the middle class people into poverty!!!

i dont know about you but i cant afford another tax, plus this tax will never make the sun stop from getting hotter as its performing nuclear fussion..

its a fact that other planets in our system are warming too..

95% of the green house gases are water vapors!!!!

YouTube - Alex Jones - The Global Warming Scam

YouTube - CO2 theory is nonsense Fear Monger Tax Grab

YouTube - How Al Gores Movie Inconvenient Truth is full of crap

YouTube - Global Warming Hoax

YouTube - The Myth about Global Warming

YouTube - Global Warming Is NOT CO2!

YouTube - An Inconvenient Truth Of Al Gore's Fraud And Awards

go watch some more fox news MM

edit- also, good post dave!!!!



New Member
Excellent posts, Dave.

Now then Med ... How about listing YOUR solutions? And along with the solutions, please explain how capping food and gasoline prices will insure a bountiful supply of both. Thanks ...

And so far, there has been no "solutions" forth coming from the Medster.



Well-Known Member
Cellulose and sugar beets are better products that can be used to make ethanol. Corn takes as much energy as it produces.

Sugar beets are cheep and easy to produce, cellulose can be gotten from grass or any other plant matter.
Why not use all that High Fructose Corn Sugar they keep putting in our food as a filler and to cut corners?


New Member
And so far, there has been no "solutions" forth coming from the Medster.

Why is it you expect a solution from me when all the great minds on the planet have none. I could come up with all the textbook ones, cut consumption, change your slothful ways, Let the water cars come out, etc, But what you really want is to just fuck with me so fuck off. BTW I turn the tables and ask, what are your solutions? Oh, thats right, cut taxes some more and yup, do away with the evil government completely, all except protection for your wealth.


Well-Known Member
Cellulose and sugar beets are better products that can be used to make ethanol. Corn takes as much energy as it produces.

Sugar beets are cheep and easy to produce, cellulose can be gotten from grass or any other plant matter.
Why not use all that High Fructose Corn Sugar they keep putting in our food as a filler and to cut corners?
i think somewhere im here that we can use hemp for fuel :D

check these vids out, they are great:mrgreen:

YouTube - Grow more pot! Part 1

YouTube - Grow more pot! Part 2

"at least four times as much cellulose to make gas or methanol from hemp stems more than corn"

ahhh here it is. start watching the first vid at 6 mins.. you should watch these through and through though, lots of good facts.


Well-Known Member
save the environment..... grow more pot.

lol, i love it :D im actually saving the world right now in little ways....

:cry:sorry, i get silly when im stoned..... :lol:


Well-Known Member
Wow thats scary. I've been hearing a lot about the food crisis and it doesn't look like its going to get better anytime soon. I wonder why this just seemed to jump out of the blue? i mean i know that the economy is bad not only our country but other countries as well and everyone knows that food prices has risen but i never dreamed of a food shortage. i don't know what the hells gonna happen but dammit this country better as well as other countries better be thinking of a way broaden agriculture. fuck corn for fuel how about some damn corn for food? rice is being limited in the amount you can purchase at discount warehouses.whats next.
1/3 of the honey bees disapeared. 1 in every 3 bites of food we eat is directly related to honey bees. what does this mean? if the honey bees diapear we will have nothing to pollenate our food. we WILL all starve to death. temps are raising globaly. we need to plant 2 plant for every one we cut down.


Well-Known Member
1/3 of the honey bees disapeared. 1 in every 3 bites of food we eat is directly related to honey bees. what does this mean? if the honey bees diapear we will have nothing to pollenate our food. we WILL all starve to death. temps are raising globaly. we need to plant 2 plant for every one we cut down.
the only way bees are going to disappear is if we destroy their habitat!! the globe warming 1F will not have any effect on the bee's in any shape or form.. plus, global warming is BECAUSE OF THE SUN!!!

we should be more concerned about pollutants rather than the co2 emissions. plants use co2, and the more plentiful co2 is the faster plants will grow and use and in turn, decreasing the co2 levels as long as we have enough plants.



Well-Known Member
the only way bees are going to disappear is if we destroy their habitat!! the globe warming 1F will not have any effect on the bee's in any shape or form.. plus, global warming is BECAUSE OF THE SUN!!!

we should be more concerned about pollutants rather than the co2 emissions. plants use co2, and the more plentiful co2 is the faster plants will grow and use and in turn, decreasing the co2 levels as long as we have enough plants.

i was talking about 2 different things bro. global warming of 1 degree isnt much but 8-10 degrees is. and it was said we are already up 5 degrees in the last 1000 years and we achieved this in the last hundred. as for the honey bees they all carry a dormant virus and it has made them abandon thier queen. national geograffic said it wouldnt really affect us in the next year or so but if they keep doing this IT WILL AFFECT US SOON AND HARD!


Well-Known Member
the only way bees are going to disappear is if we destroy their habitat!! the globe warming 1F will not have any effect on the bee's in any shape or form.. plus, global warming is BECAUSE OF THE SUN!!!

we should be more concerned about pollutants rather than the co2 emissions. plants use co2, and the more plentiful co2 is the faster plants will grow and use and in turn, decreasing the co2 levels as long as we have enough plants.

we are cutting down so many plants on a daily basis so thier are less plants to use co2 as there was just yesterday.


Well-Known Member
i was talking about 2 different things bro. global warming of 1 degree isnt much but 8-10 degrees is. and it was said we are already up 5 degrees in the last 1000 years and we achieved this in the last hundred. as for the honey bees they all carry a dormant virus and it has made them abandon thier queen. national geograffic said it wouldnt really affect us in the next year or so but if they keep doing this IT WILL AFFECT US SOON AND HARD!
damn... prices will go up more... anyone know of a millionaires hot daughter that needs a man?

even before the industrial revolution, there has been HUGE fluctuation's in the climate b4 man intervened with this co2 nonsense. for example the ice ages and whatnot..

anyways to better prove my point that global warming is not effected by co2 just take a look at al gores little graph of co2 vs temps..
he states that when the co2 rose the temps rose because of it... well wtf al gore? there were no cars and factories back then to increase the co2 like that besides maybe volcano's. thusly my conclusion is that temps effect co2 levels and not the other way around.

we need to save bee habitats, its not the global warming BS



Well-Known Member
damn... prices will go up more... anyone know of a millionaires hot daughter that needs a man?

even before the industrial revolution, there has been HUGE fluctuation's in the climate b4 man intervened with this co2 nonsense. for example the ice ages and whatnot..

anyways to better prove my point that global warming is not effected by co2 just take a look at al gores little graph of co2 vs temps..
he states that when the co2 rose the temps rose because of it... well wtf al gore? there were no cars and factories back then to increase the co2 like that besides maybe volcano's. thusly my conclusion is that temps effect co2 levels and not the other way around.

we need to save bee habitats, its not the global warming BS

true. atleast we are looking to our enviroment. everyone can make a differance. they say cows are one of our biggest poluter. they fart all day and polute the air. i cant believe al gore won the nobel price. im sure someone eles wrote it and al had them snuffed and took the matierial to call it his own.


Active Member
I have some thoughts on the issue:

Food prices follow gasoline prices. The more we have to pay for gasoline, the more we will have to pay for our food.

All food products have to be shipped using fuel. This includes grain shipped to the cattle yards and food stuffs being shipped to market. The consumer must ultimately absorb the costs in the end purchase or the source will dry up. It wouldn't pay to produce and ship at a loss, right?

Now then, why are oil prices skyrocketing? Because of demand. As the once underdeveloped countries come on board the affluence train, their consumption of oil is increasing rapidly. Think China and India with billions of people all wanting the better life. That better life includes more efficient transportation using internal combustion engines.

We are dependent upon foreign oil for our supplies.

Now think back into the 60s and 70s. Remember those Birkenstock wearing, so-called environmentalists who chained themselves to the gates of the nuclear plants under construction? Remember the "environmentalists" who put the kibosh to refinery construction? Remember the "environmentalists" who stopped off-shore drilling? Remember the "environmentalists" who stopped drilling in Anwar?

Now then, turn your attention to the Corn Lobby. Because of the Corn Lobby and our congress, we are subsidizing the corn growers at the expense of wheat and rice ... and using our food (corn) for fuel instead of human consumption. Approximately 30 percent of our corn production is going to ethanol production. Have you ever seen ethanol in a gas station? I haven't ... so where is it going?

How stupid is an environmental policy that encourages a society to burn it's food for fuel? How stupid are the American People for putting up with this shit?

The time has come for MEN and WOMEN to stand their ground against the bullshit. The time has come to build refineries, drill off-shore and in Anwar. The time is LONG past due to convert our power over to nuclear energy.

The time has come to see radical environmentalism for exactly what it is ... nothing more than a money-making, power-grabbing scam, to the detriment of American society at large.

While I consider myself a liberal environmentalist, I do blame stupid, misguided liberals for blocking new and improvesd nuclear power for the past few decades (some European countries are turning to expand COAL because of opposition to nuclear!) and for coming up with the incompetent political compromise of using biofuels BASED ON FOOD CROPS, which only benefits corn growers (not to mention the huge subsidies and tax breaks we give to the grain industries which then ship their artificially cheap product globally, stifling competition abroad). Drilling in ANWR is a terrible idea because we'd only get a few months' worth oil out of there, at great monetary and ecological expense. Same for coastal drilling- it's not worth it.

Plus, I really can't believe how many people are whining about gas. Europeans pay several times more per gallon than we do, and maybe only now those millions of Americans who stupidly purchased gas-guzzlers will pay for their lack of foresight. If there's "pain at the pump", ride a fucking bus or bike!