a question or two on genetics


Active Member
ok so heres a story,
a guy i know here in bc has a permit to grow because of whatever illness he has... or claims to have, anyways ive known him for around 5 years and every year ive known him he has had this giant plant that grows to close to 12 feet tall (no joke) every year. the olny thing is that even though he gets nearly 5 pounds of small weak wet bud off it every year. the thing is its the same plant that keaps growing back every year like he doesn't have to replant it because for whatever reason it grows back, problem with this is that its grown in a big compost pile so im asuming that the ph level of the soil and all the water that absorbs into the roots through the soil would be way out of wak just because of the fact thats its grown in straight compost with 0 actaul soil. im growing a bunch of seeds from this plant right now and i was wondering that because the strain originated from a plant that makes small week buds (presumably from a poor ph lvl) if me growing it in good soil will make a difference at all? i know i cant get any better lights for them then the mother got from the hot bc desert sun.