a question to the older people..

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Yea it has actually , Ive been smoking 10years and i just think about every thing,
Everything !! The crap that fly,s around in my head sometimes.....How it all began, why we are here, the stars ,moons life, creatures, gods kentucky fried chicken, Pizza Large bottle of coke.... I mean what da fucks that all about lmao ..And thats the side effects you start taking a likeing in the discovery channel lol .... Thats it .
Plus that nervous tweek that makes me see red passed to me from my great grand pa from smoking weed

Other than that is cool man....
Take acid and get back with us... weed can definitely help you think outside of the box a little bit... make a few connections, but I've never really thought of any idea that was totally beyond belief that was caused by weed alone... I can do anything [with my brain] after, before, non-smoking weed makes no difference.

All you have to worry about, long term effects of weed, is your lungs.


Active Member
i havnt been smoke no where as near as long as half the ppl on here, but i fo have some negative things in my life all cuz of weed,

im lazt as shit,
i almost lost the grl of my dreams,
money is tight as shit,
my memry is pretty shity,

and i saw a dude on here say he thinks ALOt, i thoguht i was the only 1,

i liltoy thing about EVERYTHING, and it sux.. bad.

and i used 2 be a wild child, idk if thats growin upm, or the weed chilled me the fuck out over the years..


Well-Known Member
Well, I puffed my first joint when I was 12, and ever since the age of 16 everything is a blur. My memory is gone. Probably for the better though. Life sucks.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Depends who you are. For me, it fucks up my social skills. There was a point in time where it was hard for me to talk to girls and friends because i wasnt good at making conversation because i was high, it puts me in some sort of mind set..not to sure how to explain it. It also makes things alot less enjoyable because im always thinking "this would be so much better high". Also not to mention my memory is fucking shot, theres times when i cant remeber what i did an hour ago..

Its all about moderation my friends


Active Member
When I look back on it I took my first hit out of a brass bong when I was 15, I knew then I liked it but I also knew I wasn't the best at hiding things covering shit up or my father the military man was just that good. I only imbided when I was not going to be around him or our house. Up until I graduated I played sports smoked dope. Graduated with Honors smoked dope. Went into the Military couldnt smoke dope. That is until I became the guy that ordered the piss-test chemicals. So no pot for 6 years there and then only twice in 4 yrs. Nowit's been 18 yrs haven't missed a day except one 6 month stretch. The only time i regret buying pot was once I bought a nice sack and later that day I got a flat tire. I walked home called the tow truck smoked my sack. Fuck the tire. So really I didnt regret buying that sack. Uhh lets see.. once I bought a sack and there was ....no that was fun too. i'll tell ya I really dont regret it I certainly have mt wits and 90% of my intelligence intact. I can still manually operate my telescpe to all 100 Messier Objects (which can only be done once per year) I do have slowed reations but thats from years of Doctors giving me enough narcotics to medicate the Country of Bolivia.
Nah Im fine You will be too. Peace Youngblood:peace:bongsmilie:mrgreen: