A serious question.


Is it normal for an Indica to produce leaves the size of dinner plates and stems the size of your index finger at a height of 20 inches?


Active Member
yeup lol nothing wrong with that dude. ive had outdoor indica like that befor. keep it up

EDIT: some pics would help. but if the pland looks good strong and healthy than it should be ready at 7 weeks


Going to do some mods to the grow area w/ Mylar foil and will post pics later today. I think I may need more reflection w/ the CFL's. Thx for the quick reply peeps.

Illegal Smile

7 weeks to get to 20 inches is a long time, no reason to wait longer. Flower now. Change the res, set with week one bloom nutes, add lighting and get it to mostly 2700k, then start 12/12.

PS Flowering can be done just fine with cfls if you do it right.


Well-Known Member
Yeah whether or not you flower now is up to the size of your grow area and how much light you can afford. Just keep it up and add as much light as you can.


Added 4 more 27 watt Soft white CFL's. Added mylar foil to grow area for reflectivity value. Currently running 2 - 45 watt, 2 - 42 watt, 4 - 27 watt CFL's and a 4' florescent fixture with 2 - 40 watt full spectrum grow lights. Started on a 16/8 schedule, increased to 18/6 and now have gone to 12/12. Adding an all purpose fertilizer with all the trace elements. One plant has leaves curling down but continues to produce new growth every day. A friend says it happens and it's fine. The other three have fan leaves the size of dinner plates ( I mean huge). The rate of new growth in the last 2 weeks has tripled. I've never seen stems so thick. They look like small trees.