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New Member
So, how do "we the people" change this entrenched policy. It is endorsed by all incumbents except one, The 534 and the white house. One lone ranger on a white horse cannot change such an entrenched policy headed by the richest men on the planet. I know R.P. has good intentions, but getting rid of the FED is a monumental task.


New Member
Oh, I agree that its a monumental task. No question about that. Here's a scenario for you ...

Let's say I owe you $20 and you asked me for payment. I said, "well Med, I don't have the twenty bucks right now, but I DO have a gift certificate to Macy's department store. Would you take that instead of the twenty bucks?" Sure you would take it because you know that Macy's will honor it ... or, you could trade it with someone else for another gift certificate to Border's book store. The point is, reputable business are ALREADY printing up their own money called "gift certificates." So, how about if I hire you to do some work for me and I say to you ... "Hey, I only have these gold Kuggarands, one ounce each. You want to charge me 800 bucks for the job, will you take one of my gold coins instead?" You agree, then put the gold coin into your safe deposit box at the bank. Now, you need a car repair and you tell the mechanic... "Hey, I don't have the cash on me because I only deal in gold. I have the gold in my safe deposit box, but here, I'll give you a certificate for the $800 repair bill, which I will sign. You will have a "note" against the gold in my safe deposit box. The note will have a due date on it, by which time I will take the gold out of the bank and pay you. The mechanic trusts your word, and has a signed contract (the note), and that will allow him to force you to pay by law if you don't.

The point is, there are already people operating in this manner. There used to be millions before FDR's administration made it illegal for Americans to own gold of any kind except for dental and industrial uses.

Gold is the money of free men. Paper is the money of slaves. This is what Ron Paul knows. How to get the majority of Americans to understand this? I don't have a clue other than getting Ron Paul elected. ~lol~



New Member
You never read my posts. I already know what the gold standard is and what a gold backed note is. My question is: how will one man, Ron Paul, Change all this when confronted by the worlds richest men and an ignorant public???


New Member
On the contrary, Med ... it is you who don't read my posts. Here's the last paragraph in my last post:

Gold is the money of free men. Paper is the money of slaves. This is what Ron Paul knows. How to get the majority of Americans to understand this? I don't have a clue other than getting Ron Paul elected



New Member
On the contrary, Med ... it is you who don't read my posts. Here's the last paragraph in my last post:

Gold is the money of free men. Paper is the money of slaves. This is what Ron Paul knows. How to get the majority of Americans to understand this? I don't have a clue other than getting Ron Paul elected

So you are saying you don't have a clue, well welcome to the real world. As I said, R.P. has less of a chance of surviving his first year in office, than a tail gunner in WWII. The richest men on the planet, the same ones that had the Kennedys killed, will eliminate him in a heartbeat, you don't fuck with their program and survive. A real bloodbath revolution with dragging the assholes into the streets and beheading them in public is the only way to change things, put fear in the hearts of the fearmongers and things will change, take those trillions of dollars and put them to good use, rebuild the infrastructure, build new hospitals, provide jobs for all, full employment for citizens with a living wage, Yes it is a re-distribution of the wealth, but that is the only way to truly change the system. If you are a wannabee then you will be effected. I still think the real cream will rise to the top. It is the dictatorial aspect of men that needs to change and that my friend is in the divinity's hands.


Well-Known Member
He may have the intentions, but lacks the plan.
You may be correct med, in that, I think he has an actual "plan".....
However, his plan will be attacked and vilified by virtually 100% of the entrenched corrupt power structure.
This plan may very well be thwarted.
But the question remains....what is a viable alternative to a Paul initiative???


New Member
You may be correct med, in that, I think he has an actual "plan".....
However, his plan will be attacked and vilified by virtually 100% of the entrenched corrupt power structure.
This plan may very well be thwarted.
But the question remains....what is a viable alternative to a Paul initiative???
Drag the power brokers into the streets and cut off their heads, literally. cut off the head of the snake (Beast) and the snake (Beast) dies. Fly hit men to islands where the rich bankers hide out and kill them, drag their bodies through the streets (Moussolini style) and hang them upside down for all to see. The only solution is the final solution, you start, I'll watch. I may not be kidding.


New Member
The opposite of you!
I see. So your Brave New World would consist of what? I stand for freedom, liberty and a limited federal government. I believe in a constitutional republic, a representative government and state's rights. I believe in individual responsibility, personal achievement and becoming the best that one can be. I believe in free markets, capitalism, a sound money system, the elimination of the federal income tax and the IRS. I believe in private banking, freedom of speech, the right to defend my property, my life and the lives and property of those I love. I believe in property ownership, financial privacy, the legalization of victimless crimes, including non-violent drug dealings and use.

So now we have you on record as wanting the exact opposite of what I stand for, correct?



New Member
i'm o.k. with the beheadings and drag thru the streets part. but only because we know THEY have no hesitation with violence.

but med, you need to chill out and recognize a true american. those who rape and pillage the citizens for their own profit and position are not worthy of life and are not true americans.

on the other hand, EVEN IF YOU DISAGREE WITH THEIR SOLUTION; someone actively looking for a change to the current unfair system is a true patriot...


New Member
i'm o.k. with the beheadings and drag thru the streets part. but only because we know THEY have no hesitation with violence.

but med, you need to chill out and recognize a true american. those who rape and pillage the citizens for their own profit and position are not worthy of life and are not true americans.

on the other hand, EVEN IF YOU DISAGREE WITH THEIR SOLUTION; someone actively looking for a change to the current unfair system is a true patriot...
Hey, I'm all for change. Get the corporations out of government. Tax the rich to pay off Bush's debt, Prosecute all war criminals and profiteers, set up a workable medical system with no profit involved, restore our civil rights. Reduce the footprint of government, especially in the private information arena. Shitcan many government programs like subsidies for corporate farmers, tax incentives for energy companies (Big Oil) Place an excess profit tax on Big Oil and make it directly applicable to Medical. Tax cigarettes, Cigars and tobacco out of existence, that goes for alcohol also, I threw the cigars in for VI,~LOL~. There are many govt. programs that benefit the already wealthy and are extremely unnecessary, as in reverse the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, Also for VI,~LOL~.


New Member
Hey, I'm all for change. set up a workable medical system with no profit involved, restore our civil rights. Reduce the footprint of government, especially in the private information arena. quote]

Med, with all due respect ... you don't make any fucking sense at all. You want to set up a medical system that is run by the federal government, and at the same time, you want to increase our right to privacy. Giving the medical systems over to government would allow government to keep track of our medical histories from birth to death. It would allow government to dictate what treatments we will get, when we will get them and who will minister the treatments.

I'm tellin' ya man ... ya gotta get your shit together if your gonna maintain any type of credibility here in the forum.



New Member
Hey, I'm all for change. set up a workable medical system with no profit involved, restore our civil rights. Reduce the footprint of government, especially in the private information arena. quote]

Med, with all due respect ... you don't make any fucking sense at all. You want to set up a medical system that is run by the federal government, and at the same time, you want to increase our right to privacy. Giving the medical systems over to government would allow government to keep track of our medical histories from birth to death. It would allow government to dictate what treatments we will get, when we will get them and who will minister the treatments.

I'm tellin' ya man ... ya gotta get your shit together if your gonna maintain any type of credibility here in the forum.

And you think they already don't have this info, ~LOL~, you are the one that's naive here my friend. The VA is so careful to guard your medical privacy against insurance companies etc. but still you are in a federal data base. The power of the FBI under the new patriot act can investigate any and all records at any time for any reason. Thank Bush and Alberto Gonzales. The Dems had nothing to do with this.