A Stoners Dilema..


Well-Known Member
around 1/2 - 1 1/2 LBS per plant x32 plants lets for argument sake call it around 25-30LBS yield pre drying state so doing the rough math using 1LBS = $3000 (argument sake) you arrive at about 75,000 - 96,000 and trust me THAT is not money easily forgotten forgot you seen the plants

Edit: yes I know my estimates are a bit high but you get the general idea that the grow is not there so someone does not have to buy it lol and they are not doing it for spare pocket money


Well-Known Member
ya haha didnt think about that dude if they really care about it there is prolly a couple cameras in the trees


Well-Known Member
yea man and some trip lazer beams, he knows you were there man!

that shits freakin me out, lol.


Well-Known Member
nooooooooo the phone number is a bad idea
u dont want them to know who u are
like we already said this is a commercial grow


Well-Known Member
Mwhahahahaha lush 32 buddah plants! I would wait till its ripe then have a little harvest of my own! not all of it mind at least leave half for the poor bastard who decided to put it there in the first place!


Well-Known Member
ya haha didnt think about that dude if they really care about it there is prolly a couple cameras in the trees
its possible you can get micro wireless GPRS cameras nowdays that connect live stream straight to your PC! but would probably cost a large percentage of yeild o_O lol


Active Member
fucking lame instead of growing your own you go around on 4 wheelers and find peoples crop? i hope you live up here in canada and those plants are property of the hells so they can send 3-4 big motherfuckers on motercycles with sledge fuckin hammers and cripple your ass


Well-Known Member
fucking lame instead of growing your own you go around on 4 wheelers and find peoples crop? i hope you live up here in canada and those plants are property of the hells so they can send 3-4 big motherfuckers on motercycles with sledge fuckin hammers and cripple your ass
man shut up
hells angels are everywhere for 1
and for 2
shut up
act like if it was right in front of u
32 beautiful flowering plants you wouldnt take a couple buds
ur lien ur ass off


Active Member
Fuck you you little bitch i have stummbled on a couple big grows never had to steal them cuz i always grew my own and i said in canada because i know a large portion of the montreal chapter bitch thats right the nomads you cunt and ive grown for them you bitch people have been killed for less so dont fuck around stay in school and leave peoples dope the fuck alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cunt


Well-Known Member
Fuck you you little bitch i have stummbled on a couple big grows never had to steal them cuz i always grew my own and i said in canada because i know a large portion of the montreal chapter bitch thats right the nomads you cunt and ive grown for them you bitch people have been killed for less so dont fuck around stay in school and leave peoples dope the fuck alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cunt
umm wow infraction much that is def a personal attack and any way if any one here is gonna call some one little its me seeing as im 6'5" 250lbs and im not scared if ur people are gonna come to kill me then thats whats gonna happen
oh well
dont matter
we are all gonna die one day
im just gonna be up in da sky blazin trees wit pac

You dont spell very well for a college kid lol
and i dont spell well because i typed "u" sorry i just dont feel like typing out the whole word
sue me :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Fuck you you little bitch i have stummbled on a couple big grows never had to steal them cuz i always grew my own and i said in canada because i know a large portion of the montreal chapter bitch thats right the nomads you cunt and ive grown for them you bitch people have been killed for less so dont fuck around stay in school and leave peoples dope the fuck alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cunt

dude dont get ur panties in a bunch over wat someone says on the internet just chill the fuck out.u cant truthfuly say if u stumbled upon 32 plants u wouldnt just think about taking a nug eh.this forum wasnt created for little cyber fights.