Abolish private healthcare insurance


Well-Known Member
"You'd be miserable if you didn't get to do carpentry all day..."who are you kidsing? What you do sir is an admirable profession, but the only one you're fooling about not being miserable is you.
Since I've been on these boards you're one of the few people I've seen tied up in battles on numerous front...you fight with eveyone and your BS attitude..
If that's your idea if happiness...well..you need to rethink dude!


Well-Known Member
"You'd be miserable if you didn't get to do carpentry all day..."who are you kidsing? What you do sir is an admirable profession, but the only one you're fooling about not being miserable is you.
Since I've been on these boards you're one of the few people I've seen tied up in battles on numerous front...you fight with eveyone and your BS attitude..
If that's your idea if happiness...well..you need to rethink dude!
I’ll send you the welfare you need if you just stop crying


Well-Known Member
Mr. Angry...It never stops with you...You keep poundin' nails and livin' the dream, because no one but you is gonna make you happy!
I offer you the welfare you’re begging for and th I’m angry ?

cum on now

I don’t get to hand bang many nails anymore. There are approximately 18000 nails in the floor alone by my calculations. My gun does it all


Well-Known Member
My point exactly!...you're the bee putting the luxury mansion together for someone else..

If you werent such an arrogant prick, I'd probably have some sympathy for you!
And if the mansion buyers were taxed appropriately then Buck would not have had to pay a dime and the actual cost of the medical procedure would have been smaller. Taxing the rich for the public infrastructure they've used to create their wealth is the economically correct thing to do. The more money you put in the hands of the working class the better the economy. It = more spending. Trickle down only means the rich piss on the poor. Regan-omics was a flop.

Rich use the public infrastructure we all pay for to create their wealth. The public subsidizes the rich.

Nice vid, relates to working class disposable income...


Well-Known Member
You've actually changed my mind..One that once supported the good of all Canadians..If given the chance I'd now vote to separate..
I'm not even gonna respond to this bullshit, a waste of time. I told ya you were greed driven and an anti French bigot, and you never denied either. Pierre Trudeau was one of my heros and a hero to many millions of other Canadians, one of the modern founding fathers of our nation, who got us through much of the bullshit the Americans are facing today way back in the 60's and 70's. We owe our bill of rights and constitution to Trudeau, we also owe him the constitutional formula for the transfer payments you owe! :D

Happy Albertastan day ya fucking traitor, maybe the Russians can help ya out with yer greed driven dream of separation, I for one will make it a very bitter fucking pill for you to hork down. Many Americans are throwing their country under the bus because of greed and bigotry and you are no different than an American Trumper. Those tar sands are sitting on Native land (or will be) and they will own yer ass, or most likely they will stay with Canada and have quasi provincial statutes (and the oil for themselves), it's the same deal for hunks of the oil patch. If Canada is divisible, so to is Alberta, young Trudeau would implement his father's strategy, it worked with Quebec and it would work well with the UN too. You'd end up with a rump state, few natural resources and widespread poverty. How much is a greed head like you gonna contribute in blood and treasure to your new homeland of Albertastan? Answer, not too fucking much, someone else's blood and treasure will do that deed, you're too driven by greed.

Don't bother responding I won't, yer not worth the effort.
I'm a Canadian patriot and you disgust me.
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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I have no clue what that means really, but even still I hope you are not in pain and everything turns out ok.
It means in February of 2019 I had a blood clot caused by heart issues travel into my kidney and supposedly killed some of it (that’s ok they say, I’ve got 1.5 left lol) but the follow up was done 2 days ago. I’m thinking that’s a long time to wait but oh well. If I would have had to pay for that little setback I’d be living in my car, 16 all over again. So I’ll say it again, there is a few kinks in our system but over all I guess we’re quite lucky.


Well-Known Member
Mr. Angry...It never stops with you...You keep poundin' nails and livin' the dream, because no one but you is gonna make you happy!
But Alberta needs those welfare checks because their expensively mined tar sands are loss-making ventures. Your sense of entitlement rivals that of US white supremacists like Trump.

Those oil fields will never be recovered either. You lobby for an industry of liars that are robbing the rest of Canada's hard workers.


Well-Known Member
Seriously?? Thats what you've come up with, some die hard lefty to defend the position of a tax grab? and some of those myths, he might as well be talking to children..

He references Elizabeth Warren over and over...Convenient, you dont mention the multitude of individuals and academics who say Warren's policies would destroy the economy. Heck, Alberta even tried that a few years ago under premier Stelmach..It bumped royalty O&G companies had to pay...and guess what Oil and Gas drilling in Alberta deopped like a stone as that investment moved to British Columbia and Saskatchewan! What you and buddy on the video don't seem to get is that money, although digital and tracked is still mobile.

You already stated the left side of the Liberal political spectrum here in Canada..equivalent to the Far left Democrats down south..Ive mention that borderline communist..and based on your admissions, indicate the same...

You yourself propose a two tiered system...one that penalizes those who have taken risks and succeeded financially..and the more successful you've become.the bigger the gouge.

You reference fluff and BS from dusty text books and academic theorists...just that...fluff!

I gave you the raw reality of what has happened when a country blatantly changes the rules to steal money from individuals...France tried it multiple times and each time it failed...

You stated your on the left side of the spectrum of the socialist party here...and anyone understanding politics should be able to decipher your intent..

You've actually changed my mind..One that once supported the good of all Canadians..If given the chance I'd now vote to separate..

Why would anyone want to put their tax dollars into a common pool to share with people who think of you with such distain?
We get it. You are a "conservative". A conservative is somebody who wants to cancel government programs that other people need but not the ones they take advantage of. Today's conservatives don't want to conserve anything. They are locusts who consume until nothing is left.


Well-Known Member
It means in February of 2019 I had a blood clot caused by heart issues travel into my kidney and supposedly killed some of it (that’s ok they say, I’ve got 1.5 left lol) but the follow up was done 2 days ago. I’m thinking that’s a long time to wait but oh well. If I would have had to pay for that little setback I’d be living in my car, 16 all over again. So I’ll say it again, there is a few kinks in our system but over all I guess we’re quite lucky.
Hope yer well Budley. Dunno much about your condition or medicine either! Your initial treatment probably included clot busting drugs and possibly a MRI? I don't think too much can be done by a urologist except follow up, one might have been consulted by your doctor and tests and MRI scans sent for evaluation. Your condition has the usual two treatment options, surgery or medication.

Lifestyle changes can have the biggest impact though, stop smoking cigarettes and cut back on pot (be a weekend warrior with pot) and forget booze altogether! Diet and exercise work wonders too and meditation can help a guy to accomplish both of those goals and enjoy it too, have a peek at this Dudley, something from today's CNN site, meditation can be a big part of happiness. Do you have type 1 or 2 diabetes?

I can help with the meditation part if ya wish, I sorta specialize in cannabis users! Quit a month or so ago and I'm getting ready to start a local meditation group. Here is a link to a FREE MBSR program and I would recommend you talk to your doctor about getting into a local program at a hospital wellness program. Here is a short video I posted before on the benefits of a practice, you have some control over your health and using it makes a guy feel empowered, happier and less stressed etc.

Hope it helps and you find it useful


Well-Known Member
It means in February of 2019 I had a blood clot caused by heart issues travel into my kidney and supposedly killed some of it (that’s ok they say, I’ve got 1.5 left lol) but the follow up was done 2 days ago. I’m thinking that’s a long time to wait but oh well. If I would have had to pay for that little setback I’d be living in my car, 16 all over again. So I’ll say it again, there is a few kinks in our system but over all I guess we’re quite lucky.
Jesus Christ


Well-Known Member
I think when looking at that I would point out that the profits go right back into investments, it is not cash on hand, when you see the overall profit for the industry is relatively stable @4% +/-2% in that chart. That re-investment is where is how R&D gets its funding.
The chart shows 2 groups, 1 is big pharma, the other is the rest of the fortune 500 companies. Compared to the average, it looks lime big pharma is 4x more profitable than the typical industry (16% vs 4%), and is also growing.

Ontop of being ~4× more profitable (profit means money made - money spent) their margin rate is similarly ~4× greater than most industry.
This means that the money spent on R&D which they claim is the reason for high drug prices is false. If the industry wasn't inflated, the cost of R&D would offset profits to realize a closer profitability to other fortune 500 companies. Imo, when it comes to life or death, I'm a little more inclined to regulate the free market surrounding the industry.
There's an imbalance of power between the "cure seller" and the sick person needing the cure. Imo, big pharma could stand to be regulated to the point that they perform on par with the average fortune 500 companies.

They spend more on marketing and financial engineering now then R&D, which is driven by shareholder demand.

They've lobbied the government to increase publicly funded research (NIH ect, which I'm ok with) and use the discoveries paid for by the tax payer to create the drugs to sell to them, albeit at high prices which they also lobby to maintain. The public subsidizes big pharma while big pharma simultaneously lobbies to keep drug prices high. Winners are Wall Street and big pharma, losers are the sick and unwealthy.
FIXING_SCIENCE_-02.0.jpg Drug-Pricing-Lobbying.jpg

Every drug since 2010 was developed through reseach from public funding...

I'm not discounting the fact that big pharma conducts R&D, but imo the high cost of the drug has more to do with profit than the cost of creation.