About a month old from seed to current


Illegal Smile

Looks kind of yellow but that could be your light. Maybe a bit small for that age, what kind of lighting are you using?

sky high

Active Member
Looks kind of yellow but that could be your light. Maybe a bit small for that age, what kind of lighting are you using?
Well i was using just a Single CFL in a closet for about 3 weeks, just transferred it outside so its getting natural sunlight, as far as small it probably is, I haven't really gave it any food or nutrients to boost its growth. Yeah that one pic does look yellow, its actually a really nice green ( Cell phone pic) I'll take another for ya here in a few and post it. Btw thnx for reply + rep from me.:joint::joint:


Active Member
Looks small for that age and it could be a number of things.

1. The strain of cannabis you planted hates the soil your in.
2. The pH of the water your using to water is off/you have a water softener (bad)
3. The seed was premature and you now have a weak plant (preme).

Those are the three things I can think of from personal experience. Best of luck.

sky high

Active Member
Looks small for that age and it could be a number of things.

1. The strain of cannabis you planted hates the soil your in.
2. The pH of the water your using to water is off/you have a water softener (bad)
3. The seed was premature and you now have a weak plant (preme).

Those are the three things I can think of from personal experience. Best of luck.
I do not know what strain it is ( just some seed from a bag i bought) I live in an apartment so i am not sure if i have one or not, but i usually let the water sit for 24 hours after its drawn from the tap to water it.( heard that helps take some of the ph down) As far as being a preme... i have no clue:confused:

sky high

Active Member
Looks small...and it won''t get too big being outside, seeing how it's mid season.

I plan on taking it back inside soon after i can purchase some better equipment..Don't know if thats good for the plant or not but, imma try!:joint:


Active Member
Usually if you move a plant that small in and out, it will almost always get spider mites or thrips. The plant is simply not big enough to grow when they start attacking so just be careful for tiny tiny webs (good way to spot em.)

Ur doing the right thing by leaving the tap water out for 24 hours before you use it. But all that does it just let the chlorine and other shit evaporate out before you actually use it.

Your pH could be off, or it could be the soil. What kind of soil is it?

sky high

Active Member
If you bring it back inside...be careful. You'll most likely bring bugs in with it.
Allright thanks for the tip, Btw does being on the 2nd floor of an apartment building and my plant being on my balcony possibly lessen my chances for most of the normal bugs?:confused:

sky high

Active Member
Usually if you move a plant that small in and out, it will almost always get spider mites or thrips. The plant is simply not big enough to grow when they start attacking so just be careful for tiny tiny webs (good way to spot em.)

Ur doing the right thing by leaving the tap water out for 24 hours before you use it. But all that does it just let the chlorine and other shit evaporate out before you actually use it.

Your pH could be off, or it could be the soil. What kind of soil is it?
It was some organic potting mix that i picked up from the local Wal-mart lol.

sky high

Active Member
Plant is a male.... end of thread. im so saddened ...RIP....maybe ill start another maybe soon...peace till then.

sky high

Active Member
that sucks, at least you didn't spend top dollar on that one seed.

true that....and if i ever buy seeds...feminized all the way I'm not taking chances. I've had my eye on some mauwie wauwie(spelling might be wrong) seeds although they aren't feminized.

sky high

Active Member
Bummer bro montana...

Better luck next time!

word, thank you... i'm moving soon and where im moving too i cant do indoor ...so wait and watch for an outdoors one....possible maybe...i have lots of wooded area where im going:fire: