About to order some nutes


Well-Known Member
Is the 3 pack from fox farm worth the 39.95? Its got grow big, tiger bloom and big bloom. I also have looked at Dr. Hornbys big bug. Its powder form is 22.77 and liquid form is 35.42. I havent ordered any special strains or anything like that yet. I have a plant from a seed I found in some dank dank and also a plant from a seed from some good mid grade. Will the nutes make enough of a differece to spend the money?


Well-Known Member
buy something..nutes are very helpful unless you want a handfull of popcorn nugs...i have known one person who did a whole run in water...the nugs tasted really good but no weight


Well-Known Member
buy something..nutes are very helpful unless you want a handfull of popcorn nugs...i have known one person who did a whole run in water...the nugs tasted really good but no weight

I know miricle grow is hated by some but I bought some organic mg at walmart a while back. Would you use that or buy something else?


Active Member
man go with some sort of nutes (I personally do not advocate the use of miracle gro.) i'm using foxfarm and the plants are erupting. worth the cash for sure.


Well-Known Member
I'm presently using the Foxfarm trio and I think I'll be sticking with their products for my next grow as well.


Well-Known Member
I would get the trio combo of FF nutes and while your at it why not get the Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil as well?

All good choices :hump:


Well-Known Member
Some people mix with 15-30% perlite. Probably a good idea, as it increases drainage. As for starting new nutes on a pre-existing grow, just start off slow. I don't know how far along your plants are, but I would start at 25% just to be safe, then work your way up slowly to the full dose if your plants respond well.


Well-Known Member
Some people mix with 15-30% perlite. Probably a good idea, as it increases drainage. As for starting new nutes on a pre-existing grow, just start off slow. I don't know how far along your plants are, but I would start at 25% just to be safe, then work your way up slowly to the full dose if your plants respond well.
I have one plant that is a little over 10 days old and one that it about 7 or 8 days old.


Well-Known Member
Way too early for nutes. If you're growing in soil, you probably don't have to add anything for the first month, 2-3 weeks for hydro.