about to start 2nd crop, advice?


Well-Known Member
In the next two weeks I'm going to be moving my first crop to a flower cycle, and start my next crop on veg. I've had a few issues which I have been working hard to correct, and wanted to run my new plans by some more experienced eyes for any advice, or pointers which I can address before I've planted.

I have had issues I believe are related to PH lockout, and my soil typically has tested right at 7. Vinegar in my water has helped this, but I've read that this is less than idea, and that the pH issue should really be solved in the soil itself. So I did some research and it found this recipe which claims it should be stable at 6.5 PH. It's 3 parts sterilized topsoil or potting soil, 2 part perlite, 2 part peat. I also have a calcium, mag, iron supplement I am using, and am considering getting a Mn/Zn (anyone have any opinions on the necessity of this with that soil mixture?).

I also fertilize with fish emulsion, which I've been using for every watering (since it's only 5/1/1)
using a soil meter (that gives general ranges) checked after every watering I sit around an N-P-K of 150-10-150 ppm. Other than micro nut deff which I believe was caused by ph, I haven't seemed to have an issue with nut burn, unless I and others have misdiagnosed micro nut deff.

I also took some clones of what is going to go into the flower room and labeled everything real well, since it's all bagseed I have no idea what will do well, and if something turns out to be killer, I want something to become a mother. I read about a lot of issues with rockwool ph, and decided to try jiffy pots instead. They pop up to about 2-2.5" and I placed each on 2-3" of perlite. Used Rootone hormone. They are semi-enclosed and shaded under T5's. Anyone have any other advice on this? is perlite under the jiffy plugs a good way to go (I read that tap roots really like to go deep, and that 2" might be a little shallow for good early root development)? I figured I'd move the whole jiffy plug into 1gal pots (which I do most of my veg in, then move to 5g for flowering) as soon as I see the first root grow out of the plug. Keeping them very humid.

I also have had an issue with heat, especially as the plants have gotten taller. So I am moving it to an area where I have more height. I can't afford a portable AC at this point, so if that doesn't fix the heat issues, I was wondering if anyone knew if I could use an evaporative humidifier and my box fan to make a mini swamp cooler? I live in a very dry climate, and swamp coolers work really well here, and it seems like this concept is the same, but if it's that simple, why can't I find anything online about this?

Again, any extra advice you can give would be much appreciated!