Active closed-loop BHO extraction machine

they can be called "big green pharmacy" they could also be called Walgreens which sells pharmaceuticals, it is about what licenses you obtain the name has NOTHING to do with that.
By the way read the whole article you posted, it says the machine can also detect those things it never says they are in the butane...
haters going to hate, sooooo @deadgro what do you do? what is your job? when you wake up in the morning what do you get ready for, your job that is...
@Twitch. One post would have sufficed and sounded less like a desperate attempt to speak over me.

I just think its inappropriate for a group of electrical engineers and young students with "no medical credentials" (from skunk pharm website) to present themselves as an authority capable of advising the public on how to use volatile gases for an unintended purpose in order to get a stronger high.
I am ADD so a new idea pops in a little later, you still have not answered my question... What do you do? your job your profession.

Yea I could have put them all together, but non the less you have side stepped everything and just state your opinion
I am ADD so a new idea pops in a little later, you still have not answered my question... What do you do? your job your profession.

Yea I could have put them all together, but non the less you have side stepped everything and just state your opinion
That's what a public forum is for, sharing your opinion. If you don't like it, ask the mods to delete my posts.

My profession has nothing to do with this conversation. I don't care what your profession is for the same reason.
Also, what state is Skunk Pharm Research LLC registered in? I find it hard to believe they would allow a registration with 'pharm' in the name unless the business had proper licensure related to pharmacology.

You seem to find a lot of things that are true hard to believe, but your denial doesn't change the facts.
Well when you go off on some one like GW that his entire work is cannabis and cannabis extractions, and you nit pick details like they started out as an electrical engineer manufacturing engineer and the student is a biochemist, which actually has alot to do with the subject matter. Also they have been at this for more the a decade alot longer then most people here have even thought of doing extracts. So that is why I ask your profession because it is relevant, you are a consumer, you are regurgitating information that you have been fed.

Again you side step, you went on the whole rant about the name of the company and asking if their lawyers approved it. This right here shows your ignorance again on the subject matter at hand.

so what aspect do you want to stick with when making the opinions, do you think the people at Pfizer or Perrigo have medical credentials? no they are chemists.
You call this scientific research!? Your backyard, outdoors, with pots and pans?


Give me a fucking break. Does your state certified forensics lab consider injestion of butane solvent safe?

You call this scientific research!? Your backyard, outdoors, with pots and pans?


Give me a fucking break. Does your state certified forensics lab consider injestion of butane solvent safe?

I call that a safe way to run the initial tests before taking the results in for analysis.

We are not talking about about using raw butane from the well head. I posted what was actually found in the butane by the time it reaches market to the parts per billion level.

The state certified forensic lab we use, is the same one local law enforcement uses, and just report facts that stand up in court, not offer opinions.

Skunk Pharm Researches licensed Pharmacologist on the other hand, credits the FDA with being a reliable source believes there is no issue within the guidelines for a FDA Class III solvent, which states:

Solvents in Class 3 (Table 3) may be regarded as less toxic and of lower risk to human health. Class 3 includes no solvent known as a human health hazard at levels normally accepted in pharmaceuticals. However, there are no long-term toxicity or carcinogenicity studies for many of the solvents in Class 3. Available data indicate that they are less toxic in acute or short-term studies and negative in genotoxicity studies. It is considered that amounts of these residual solvents of 50 mg per day or less (corresponding to 5,000 ppm or 0.5 percent under Option 1) would be acceptable without justification. Higher amounts may also be acceptable provided they are realistic in relation to manufacturing capability and good manufacturing practice (GMP).
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oh god this guy again:roll: @deadgro dude i wonder why you call yourself deadgro is it because every thing you grow dies??? Im sure thats the reason because I've been just searching through the forums and i always see you with some negativity your life must suck to be arguing on every post you make geez bro smoke a bowl and hang with a girl or something.:joint::peace:bongsmilie
You call this scientific research!? Your backyard, outdoors, with pots and pans?


Give me a fucking break. Does your state certified forensics lab consider injestion of butane solvent safe?
lol, I love the back and forth! IMO the only 100% way to be safe from contaminants is to make ice/bubble hash, or Rosen Tech. Any Rosen Tech dabs I've had, I have no cough. BHO, I'm almost always dying. Jus Sayin...