Adding 1200 more watts to my grow room will it draw suspicion ?


I'm currently in flower running a 400 watt hps with a six inch inline temps are a steady 90 degrees. Which I believe Is the reason my plant began to droop :(... So I'm going to buy one of those climate control thing-a-magig.. Which is 10 amps at 120 two questions are does this really work will it create the optimal growing environment? And will my light bill be noticeable?
The rest of my house is running on cfls...and I only saw a 5$ increase since I began growing


By exhaust u mean fan? Yeah a 6 inch inline fan sucking air thru my outside window running thru my tube and blowing air out its 442 CFM


Well-Known Member
or another way of putting it an inlet and outlet.......cold or fresh air coming in and warm air bein sucked out....are u growing in tent ect? you have any pics of plant?


I can't upload pics thru my computer and it whont allow me to upload pics from my iPhone yes I'm growing inside a tent it's been 4 days since I did the flowering switch and only when my light is on does my baby droop :(


I got air from outside window pushing air thru the bulb and out the inline fan.. Plus a regular fan circulating air around my plant...


Well-Known Member
hmmmm...well if your suckin fresh hot air from outside its going to be hot in your room....adding fans in there is going to just flow the heat around advice is....u need to get rid of that hot air by adding an outtake..(exhaust)....what you could try is do u have anymore holes in tent cos really u don't need a you could switch your fan from intake to outtake....


Well-Known Member
Or he could suck through the carbon filter and push through the cooltube, outside... Use a passive intake. You need cold air entering, sucking air through your filter and pushing it through th tube outside will blow all heat outside....


Or he could suck through the carbon filter and push through the cooltube, outside... Use a passive intake. You need cold air entering, sucking air through your filter and pushing it through th tube outside will blow all heat outside....
Could you expand on that please ? I wound like to do that but issue is my window opens up only halfway so just throwing a silver duct out the windows would look weird they are on the street ?!any ideas appreciated


Well-Known Member
Could you expand on that please ? I wound like to do that but issue is my window opens up only halfway so just throwing a silver duct out the windows would look weird they are on the street ?!any ideas appreciated
Try to vent into the roof, floor or wall.


seems you are just recycling hot air. I got a 600w light set up....carbon filter----->cool tube--->inline fan---->through ceiling into attic.Temps stay below 80


Well-Known Member
I vent into the attic and have sealed both my rooms up so air tight that has air gets sucked out fresh fly's in via a hole i made in my window board.....I still have a fan for intake but hardly use it......leave your hatch off the attic and it just warms the upstairs ....:-P