Adjusting to LED/Watering - What would you do?


Well-Known Member
UPfront, please don't read as newb freaking out. Just curious what others think.

I am on my first LED grow and as it goes on, little adjustments to my old CFL regiment have been made. The one am struggling with most is water/feed cycle.

With my CFLs, it was every third day religiously. Nutes in every other feeding so about once a week. With my LED (SGS160), no heat so the plants are drinking less. I am watering once every 5-7 days as needed. I have been trying to follow the same method of using nutes every other watering.

Yesterday was a water-only feed. Today I am seeing some slight discoloration which says to me I should have given nutes.

So my questions:
1.) how do/would you handle? Would you nute once a week, thus every watering? (I use Dyna Gro) Or would you go every other thus only nutes about every other week and just deal with minor deficiency? Or up the nute level when I do? (scares me though I am slightly below the rec dose at this point)
2.) Would you wait a day or two more and feed with nutes even though they aren't dry this once? I am not too concerned about the roots drowning. I have good drainage in my soil. Or would you wait another 6 days or so to feed?

I am looking vegging for one more week and then flipping. This is three plants that I have been training for about 2-3 weeks. Looks like a SOG kind of :-)

11-16-13 1.jpg11-16-13 2.jpg11-16-13 3.jpg11-16-13 4.jpg


Well-Known Member
I don't see any issues that would concern me grower.......they look healthy to me,I see your growing something else in the tent too (coca!! Lol I wish) That seems overwatered.

Every plant varies on its nute the signs!.....and water when the pots are light in weight.....that's it


Well-Known Member
They look a little lighter in person and I am reading them, that is the issue.

What I am trying to decide is whether to water once before they are dry with nutes or let them go about a week wanting nutes until they need water.

Yeah have some basil in there that isn't doing great. But they are on the edge of the light and still managing to deliver enough for the weekly caprese salad.

Thanks though!