Adopt a plant... Lemon Kush grow....


Well-Known Member
That's a fat little bud site for 17 days man. How's the rest of the garden coming along?
The whole plant is looking beautiful. Big bud site everywhere. The lemon kush is a bit more stretched than i would like but never the less it looks amazing. Found a little bit of spider mites today. Did a thorough foliar spray with mighty wash. Seems to have worked fairly well. Going to hit them again in a few days....


Well-Known Member
Day 84 (day 20 of flower)


About three weeks into flower and she is doin great. No signs of bugs but i will be doing another application just to be safe.


Well-Known Member
Aight guys so i havent been updating this grow lately. This is because the lemon kush went back to the original owner. My friend is all situated and stuff so he came a picked her up. Unfortunate but its the reality... i was looking forward to seeing her finish but oh is what it is. Sorry to all that was following the grow....