Advanced Growing Techniques? Really?


Well-Known Member
k i like this thread.
I agree lst topping all that bullshit is amateur stuff i want to hear real ADVANCED growing techniques.

about plant tissue cultures -> ive heard of it and want to hear more and would like some evidence, anyone seen it done and have it work well for you? etc.

Now for the ACE technique i like it but does it affect yield? some prominent growers on this forum (ie uncle ben) say some crazy shit (in my mind) like flushing is a myth and leaves should be green throughout harvest and nitrogen should not be removed. Personally i dont believe it ive always had great yields with good flushing and yellow/purple/red/orange leaves at harvest.. but if hes such a good grower he must be on to something?

your thoughts please, and more advanced techniques! thanks


Well-Known Member
I agree, and think of that every time I come here and am reminded its just avg growing teks. Stuff like electrostimulating the roots I would consider Advanced, but I don't know if there is enough of those new ideas to support an entire section.