Advanced Nutrients Feeding calculator question


Well-Known Member

im growing in potting soil,150w hps using:

bud blood powder
carbo load powder
big bud powder
overdrive liquid

on the top right of schedule it lets you select "Reservoir" size... im growing in soil not hydroponics, does this matter?

i have been just using it @ half strength watering using a 2L bottle as my "reservoir" watering my plants. is this right? there growing good, any tips or suggestions?


Well-Known Member
You can change that reservior size to duplicate your nute mixing jar. For instance, I use a 1 gallon water jug to mix up my nutes and I choose 3.8L (1 gal) for my rez size. It calculates the mix according to that size container. You can even bounce the calculations against the instructions on the bottle and you'll see they are the same.

Hope this helps :hump:


Well-Known Member
thanks, i was just hoping this wasnt for hydroponics only, i can see a difference in the plants already, there eating this shit up


Well-Known Member
I am currently using the medium schedule and it works just fine. My advise is to just stick with the schedule and you should be fine :hump: