Advice from a Michigan MMJ Patient?


Well-Known Member
Here's the deal: I am a former patient in California, who has had to relocate within the Midwest (to a non medical state none-the-less). Since moving, I've found it increasingly difficult and sketchy to deal with people that I don't know. I've gotten jacked, shorted, and when I finally get good service the "meds" suck and are overpriced. It's been roughly 18mo now and it's getting increasingly frustrating. Growing isn't an option here, and Michigan is only a few hours away. Is it implausable to try and bring my outdated paperwork there and use that for obtaining medical status there, given I go to a proper clinic, change residency, etc? I don't want to abuse the system, but I also don't want to be giving my money to some assholes.


Well-Known Member
If your Cali card is still valid then it's good in Michigan and you can go to a dispensary here. If not then you actually have to be a resident of Michigan to get a card here. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
If your Cali card is still valid then it's good in Michigan and you can go to a dispensary here. If not then you actually have to be a resident of Michigan to get a card here. Hope that helps.
Medical420mi is correct... But once you cross the border out of Michigan to Ohio, Indiana, ect then your card has no legal backing.


Well-Known Member
Can't talk a buddy into growing for you? Few hours which direction, Michigan is pretty big. To get meds off craigslist or budtrader or someother shit, you just need to try 6 beofre you find someone you can trust. I hear a bunch of shit on every thread, but there are a lot of good people out there just trying to get by. There ARE good meds and clones and shit on those sights. More than likely you are in Ohio or Indiana. It should not take much trouble to go to Detroit and find decent hook-up with out card or expired out-of-state, whatever. Any major city it.

That is funny you don't want to abuse the system. Which system don't you want to abuse. I am tired of the abuse too. lmao.
I can tell big pharma company if they let me grow my weed and quit sicking their puppets on us, that I will let gov. insurance prescribe me pain killers and just flush them. That way their thugs can move on to more important things like education and jobs.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Sure would be nice if the system were as interested in not abusing its patients. But they figure, hey those-stonies have it much better, so we (pigs) should at least be able to intimidate and tax em with fines. seriously gonna take a lOok at ohiO as a bake (sic) up plan, in case my michigan government dissaponts me too much. and i have low standards!


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately my card isn't valid anymore. As far as "having a buddy grow for me", all my friends are out in Cali, and despite having the hookups out there, sending shit out of state in the mail is bad news. Too many of my buddies have gotten screwed like that. Knowing someone in Michigan would be cool if they wanna do stuff on the dl... but who wants to trust some random dude with outdated paperwork? I wouldn't blame them, and the trip would be for naught. Growing's not really an option because I don't have the space, or security for something like that. When I first moved here I asked a few dudes if they knew anyone growing that I could pull a few clones off of, but it's NOT that friendly 'round these parts. It'd prob get raided fast. As far as "abusing the system", I don't know how things go down in Michigan, but in Cali, every asshole and their brother rolls in and tries to crop and fucks it for everyone. I don't wanna be that asshole. If I had it my way I'd grow as per usual, but unfortunately that's not the case.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
ppl don't usually get into 'donation' rates, but it's still a tad higher than Cali tho.
stick around on RIU for awhile and people may end up trusting you. (u can't rush a good thing.) have u been on any other forums ever? establish residency in mi remotely if yer stuck in another state.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
ppl don't usually get into 'donation' rates, but it's still a tad higher than Cali tho.
stick around on RIU for awhile and people may end up trusting you. (u can't rush a good thing.) have u been on any other forums ever? establish residency in mi remotely if yer stuck in another state.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'd assume they're higher considering supply&demand. I've never really been on forums much... I've been pretty blessed with a plethora of knowledge/grow tips/etc from people I knew locally back home. People to discuss these types of things with are scarce out here. It's pretty comforting being able to chat with people on here about it, though. It's a little "out of the comfort zone" lol


Well-Known Member
You might have to get some beans and grow gorilla style. Could always do a small stealth those computer case grow opps.
What state are you in?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've thought about a small micro grow. It's kinda a time vs worth thing... I'm used to medicating alot, but I guess something is better than nothing considering my current predicament. I don't really wanna put myself on blast, but as to where I live: It's a very large city west of MI that has a VERY tall building haha


Well-Known Member
They have good meds brother. I would run an ad on craigslist looking for meds. Are you kidding me? The police will get you weed in the city you live in! lmao. Rent a spot just inside Michigan and do your thing. If I lived there I would set up a 4k grow room without one second of hesitation. Never let any drugs or weapons anyone even close to it.


Well-Known Member
Quit with all your rants about something so small. Grow some pot outside and if you cannot it sucks to be you. Grow some autoflowers but you must admit your lack of vision and planning are what got you. Simple again become a resident and get a card. A wise man once said do not fight the wind. If you cant get grow it man you just gotta come to terms with it aint gonna happen without giving some punk bitch your closed fill these threads with something worth my time.


Well-Known Member
Quit with all your rants about something so small. Grow some pot outside and if you cannot it sucks to be you. Grow some autoflowers but you must admit your lack of vision and planning are what got you. Simple again become a resident and get a card. A wise man once said do not fight the wind. If you cant get grow it man you just gotta come to terms with it aint gonna happen without giving some punk bitch your closed fill these threads with something worth my time.
Hic, if it isn't worth your time why bother responding?

Not trying to be a dick, but that doesn't make much sense.


Well-Known Member
I am saying you like to read what you type. Guy is asking a question one click on the mmmp site should tell him and you are all trying to type a book on this issue...thats it thats what I am saying.