Advice on seed choices


Well-Known Member
I have grown off and on from bagseed for a while now, but decided to order some known genetics.

I mostly looked at price and potency of strains available from Attitude, Nirvana, Sannies, and Everyonedoesit. Seems that at $7.74 per seed, sannies Uberkush and Hericules seem to be the most bang for the buck (I'm trying to stay in a budget). Does anyone have any experience with these genetics that can give me an idea of how these did for you?

Anyone know of anything you think is better, which manages to stay around this price per seed?


Well-Known Member
Power Kush from Dinafem is quite nice and I believe it is pretty cheap. I have only gotten freebies of it from attitude but it is a keeper. I also really like OG # 18 from DNA but its a little higher priced. Why only feminized seeds? Fem seeds tend to hermie much more so they are not necessarily a better deal. Anyways those are 2 fems that I have had a lot of success with and I have grown a lot of different strains.


Well-Known Member
Power Kush from Dinafem is quite nice and I believe it is pretty cheap. I have only gotten freebies of it from attitude but it is a keeper. I also really like OG # 18 from DNA but its a little higher priced. Why only feminized seeds? Fem seeds tend to hermie much more so they are not necessarily a better deal. Anyways those are 2 fems that I have had a lot of success with and I have grown a lot of different strains.
I have no setup for breeding, and with a tight budget and assuming 50/50 are males, the feminized are cheaper per 'usable' seed. My understanding from sources like mel frank and ed rosenthal is that natural feminized seeds are the result of hermies and as such have a higher genetic predisposition to hermie. However, by using hormones to induce male flowers there is no indication that the plant is predisposed to hermie. Not to say that a hormone induced hermie isn't genetically predisposed to it, but it's not guaranteed to be, so it's similar chances as if you had just planted seeds who's parent(s) were predisposed to hermie... I personally haven't tested this, but both authors have enough experience and have done enough testing that I tend to trust their literature.

Thanks for the advice, I'll take a look at those other strains :)

Anyone else have any suggestions, or have any experience with the sannies strains I listed? I have searched here extensively, as well as on sannies forums, and there simply isn't a lot of info on those strains. Most of the info I find is on Madona, Harijiuana (sp?), blue diesel, and killing fields. Just can't find much on his Uberkush and Hericules...